Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weekly Goals: 02/12/13

Oops, a day late getting these posted . . . that seems to happen to me a lot. :)  Here is how last week went.  I felt like I got a lot done, but looking at my list here, it sure doesn't look like it.  I think mostly what got done was things that were not on my list!

  1. Keep up with daily Bible reading--DONE!
  2. Spend at least 15 minutes in prayer daily (this is an area I'm struggling to be consistent with, so I decided I needed to set a specific time goal for myself)--Wasn't consistent with this, but I saw some good progress, so that was encouraging. :)
  3. Complete week 6 of health & fitness challenge--DONE!
  4. Complete week 19 of school (yay!--we're on the downhill side of the year now! :))--DONE!
  5. Begin a Bible study or book study--DONE! (Began reading Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick)
  6. Blog 3-4 times--Not done, obviously. :)
  7. Post one book review--Nope.
  8. Begin bedroom decluttering--And nope!
  9. Get together with friends--DONE!  We went ice skating with our neighbors! :)
  10. Record 3 blessings daily in 1000 Gifts journal--Didn't keep up with this.
  11. Read 3 chapters of Cleaning House--Only read 1 chapter, but I did read another whole book, so at least I read something!
  12. Balance bank accounts--Didn't get to this either.

I did have a very successful week with freezer cooking.  I now have 6 meals in the freezer, and 2 of those will stretch to 2 meals each, so it's like having 8 suppers all ready to go. :)  Plus 2 bags of rolls, 1 bag of biscuits, 1 loaf of bread, and 1/2 a bag of breadsticks.  And we also stocked up on hot dogs and frozen sandwich steaks. :)  I plan to make 2 more freezer meals this week as well as some more bread and hopefully more rolls or breadsticks.  It feels really good to know that I can put cooking on the back burner for a week or two after surgery. :)

Here are my new goals for this week:

  • Keep up with daily Bible reading
  • Spend 15 minutes in prayer daily
  • Complete week 7 of fitness challenge
  • Complete week 20 of school
  • Make 2 more freezer meals
  • Blog 3-4 times
  • Post 1 book review
  • Vacuum all floors
  • Mop all hard floors
  • Clean bathrooms 
  • Drink 3 bottles of water, 5-6 days
  • Read 3 chapters of Cleaning House
  • Write review for Desperate
  • Straighten bedrooms
I probably won't get any goals set for next week since I will be in the hospital for a good bit of Monday, but basically my goal for that week is to have surgery and spend a week sitting around and recovering. :)


Mrs. Smith said...

Thinking of you dear friend, with your upcoming surgery. Please keep us posted when you can. We will stay in prayer for you and hope that you have a quick recovery.

Nikki said...

Praying all went well with your surgery yesterday.