Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekly Goals 02/28/12

Oops, a little late posting these this week! Time got away from me yesterday. Here's how I did last week:
  1. Lose 1 lb.--Nope, didn't happen. I actually gained back almost a pound (again!). :( I'll be weighing in tomorrow to see what my actual total loss is for this month, so I'm hoping for better results then . . . :)
  2. Drink 3 bottles of water 5-6 days this week (I wanted to "shrink" this goal a bit, since I find that Sundays and errand days are hard for me to drink the full amount of water).--DONE! (5 days)
  3. Exercise 3-5 times--Oops, didn't accomplish this one this week. Only got 2 exercise times in.
  4. Blog 3 times--DONE!
  5. Catch up on laundry--Nope. Is laundry ever actually "caught up?" ;) I did come close, though.
  6. Clean shower--Didn't get this done.
  7. Get together with friends (this hinges on if my kids are over their colds or not)--Or this. Kids were still sick. :(
  8. Catch up on dishes--Almost--I came really close on this one, but never fully caught up on everything.
  9. Have a date with my sweetie--DONE! Yay! :)
  10. Wash & repair kitchen rug, or possibly work on a different sewing project--I'm going to call this "DONE" because I completed another sewing project and decided not to repair the kitchen rug. Instead, we bought another one to put in its place. :)
  11. Finish reading Made to Crave and Blue Moon Promise--Halfway done. :) I finished the second, but not the first (yet).
While I didn't do quite as well this week as last time, I did see some encouraging progress! I'm thankful for that.

And here are my new goals for this week (as you've likely noticed, some of these are staying the same from week to week :)).
  1. Lose 1 lb.
  2. Drink 3 bottles of water 5-6 days
  3. Exercise 3-5 times
  4. Finish reading Made to Crave
  5. Clean master bathroom
  6. Make new goals for March
  7. Blog 3 times
  8. Scrub kitchen floor
  9. Work on decluttering master bedroom
  10. Complete 4 full days of school
  11. Host moms' group at our house
  12. Write book review for Blue Moon Promise
Thanks to all of you who have commented on how you enjoy reading my goals. :) Sorry I don't have time to comment back to each person, but I do appreciate each one of you taking the time to read here! I hope you're all off to a great start this week, and making good progress on your own goals, too. :)

1 comment:

1HappyWife said...

I had planned to ask you what caught up on laundry would actually mean :)?