1. Two of my three children were born at home--both waterbirths.
2. My hair is currently almost waist-long (hubby loves long hair :)).
3. The only country I have visited outside of the US is Canada, which doesn’t seem like it should count. :)
4. I really want to travel to Europe someday!!
5. I am just over a month older than my husband, which means he gets to tease me about being an “old lady.”
6. I love the ocean and would love to have a summer home in PEI.
7. Even though I have lived in NH for most of my life, I don’t know how to ski or snowboard, and have no interest in learning. (I do like to cross-country ski and ice skate, though.)
8. I am living my dream of being a wife and mommy. It’s harder work than I ever imagined. :)
9. I have played the piano since I was 5 years old.
10. When I was little I used to wish that I had glasses and crutches. My wish came true on the glasses part, unfortunately. (What was I thinking?!) I also got crutches for about a day when I sprained my ankle in high school. That definitely cured me of thinking crutches were cool.
11. I am not exactly scared of heights, but I am scared of edges--I don’t like standing near the edge of any kind of drop-off.
12. I have never had my hair cut at a salon. Growing up, my mom trimmed it, and now Jim cuts it for me, once a year or so. :) Someday I would love to splurge and get it professionally cut, but for now this works and saves us money. And I do have some fun layers now, thanks to Jim!
13. I love nursing my babies and am very thankful that it hasn’t been difficult for me to do so.
14. I enjoy many kinds of tea, but can’t stand coffee.
15. I was pretty much computer illiterate until I got married. Now I use the computer all. the. time.
16. I love to cook, but hate to clean up the kitchen afterwards.
17. Growing up, I usually had my nose in a book--especially when we were in the car. Consequently, I am very bad at knowing how to get anywhere, even close to home. Jim knows how to get places around here a lot better than I do.
18. I have a dream of traveling to Alaska for a special anniversary getaway with my hubby. Maybe for our 15th . . .
19. I love living in a state with 4 distinct and beautiful seasons. I wouldn’t mind getting rid of the blackflies and mosquitoes in the spring/summer, though.
20. I love romantic movies, especially old ones. (Although I think “Miss Potter” is one of my favorite movies of all time!)
21. I am a huge LM Montgomery fan and have read most of her books through several times. I’ve even read them aloud to my hubby, who actually enjoyed them for the most part! :)
22. I think moose are pretty much the coolest animals ever. Not in the middle of the road, though.
23. I enjoy sewing and will probably be making many of Julia’s clothes as she grows older, since the girls’ fashions are getting so nasty nowadays.
24. I get a special thrill out of finding a really good deal on something I wanted or needed.
25. I am not a “born organized” person.
26. I am convinced that there are not enough hours in each day. :)
27. I always wear my watch on my right wrist, even though I am right-handed. I have always felt more comfortable with it on that wrist, for some strange reason.
28. I haven’t been on a horse since the time when I was about 7 or 8 and was on a trail ride at family camp--my horse tripped and I slid partway off. Yes, I did get back on and finish the ride. :) But I’ve been scared to try again, ever since. What can I say? I’m a timid soul. :)
29. I love many kinds of seafood, and wish we could afford to eat it every week. Since we can’t, I have to content myself with the once-or-twice-a-year indulgence. :)
30. Strangely, lobster is one kind of seafood that I don’t care for (except in Lobster Bisque from D’Angelo’s--YUM!)
31. My earliest memories are from when I was 2 years old. The memories are all from a family vacation (or maybe more than one). This is one reason I love having special times/vacations/day trips with our kids--because when you have a special, out of the ordinary event, they really do remember it and love to think back on it. Sam still talks about our vacation to PA that we took when he was a very young 3.
32. I am continually amazed at how abundantly God has blessed me.
1 comment:
That was fun to read. I love L.M. Montgomery, too. I've been rereading "Anne of Ingleside" recently.
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