Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Josiah at 11 months

Today my baby is 11 months old! Wow, only one more month and we will be celebrating his first birthday. Josiah is such a bright little bit of sunshine in our lives. He has the sweetest little grin and is generally a happy guy. I had thought he might be walking by now, but so far he is content to crawl everywhere, or walk around holding onto things. He also loves to push chairs all around the kitchen--the sound of the chairs scraping across the tile gets a bit annoying, but I can’t resist his grin and the fun he has doing it, so I let him. :) He does stand on his own from time to time, but then when he realizes he’s not holding onto anything, he sits down.

He has only 2 teeth; the first one came in at 9 mos. and the second, about 2 weeks later. In spite of only having 2 teeth, he can eat just about anything as long as it’s in little pieces. Not meat or chewy things of course, but anything soft. He mostly eats table foods, lots of cheerios, applesauce, etc. He also loves any kind of bread. In the past month, his sleep patterns have been awesome. He doesn’t always nap extremely well, but he sleeps about 6-8 hours or longer every night. Usually it’s a solid 8, but occasionally not. I’m loving this and getting lots of good sleep myself. :)One of his favorite things in our house is the dishwasher. Whenever I have it open, if he notices, he will crawl as fast as he can to try and get to it. He gets very upset with me since I usually close it as fast as I can, before he can get there. :)

He doesn’t talk yet, other than the usual “mamamama” that he’s been saying for ages, but he does love to babble away in his own little language. :) He also loves to interact with his big brother and sister! It’s nice to watch them actually being able to play with him more now. He’s looking like such a big boy all of the sudden, but he’s still my baby!

Along with this post, I also want to wish our niece Emily a happy first birthday!!! Isn’t she a cutie pie? I think it is so neat how my sister and I had our babies exactly a month apart! Happy Birthday, Emily!!


Unknown said...

11 months already?!? NO WAY! That went by fast, eh? Did it go by even faster for you on this 3rd child in comparison to the 2nd child? I feel like I blinked and now Clive's a toddler.

I had a good chuckle at your dishwasher description. That is EXACTLY how Clive behaves too! At first I thought his interest in the dishwasher was cute and I let him play with putting harmless things in and out. When he started climbing onto it I got wise though. :)

Great photo of the kiddie train! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh he's so sweet! I cannot believe he is almost a year old. How did THAT happen?!

Emily is a doll, too!


Rachel said...

What a heart breaker. He is such a cute little guy;).

Mrs.T said...

I love that engaging grin in the top photo especially. He may only have 2 teeth, but he's showing ALL of them!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! Love the picture in the tool shirt, and the three of the kiddos, it reminds me of when my three oldest were that age.