Monday, June 18, 2007

A good deal from PictureME! portrait studios

I recently got an ad in the mail from PictureME! Portait Studios (located in Walmart), and I just thought I would mention it in case anyone is interested. They have a deal going on right now that is designed to cater to large families, which I thought was really cool! The original package price is $7.88, but for every additional person in the picture, they knock off $1, up to 8 people. So for 2 people, the price is $6.88, for 3 people it's $5.88, etc. . . . and for 8 people or more, the price is $ .88! This offer if only good through June 24, so if you're interested, look up your nearest studio and go take advantage of this awesome deal!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip, Carrie! I have a friend with 6 kids so all together they make 8! Hopefully she can still get in on the deal.

Carrie said...

Alicia--hope your friend's family was able to get in on the deal! I know Walmart isn't the best quality out there, but for that cheap of a price, you can't beat it!