Monday, April 02, 2007

Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Challenge!

I've decided to take the next five weeks and try to do an in-depth spring cleaning of our home. We've lived here for about a year and a half, and I've never done a really good deep clean since we moved in! When I was in boarding school, we would have "white glove" weekend twice a year, where we had to get our dorm super clean. I'd like to try and do the same with our house, giving it a real good scrubbing in every nook and cranny. I may not end up getting it as good as I want to, but this is my goal, anyway. :) I plan to tackle one area of the house each week, a la Flylady's zones. So this week I will tackle the deck/entry area/dining area. My plan is to do a really good job in all the "open" areas--not worrying right now about straightening drawers or the insides of my cabinets. Hopefully I will be able to work more on those hidden areas in the summer.

Today I didn't do much toward this challenge, but tomorrow I hope to do a good bit on the entry area. Anybody want to join me? :)


Mrs.T said...

I'm game! Even though I have plenty to do with my writing challenge, I can't just ignore my zones, so this will be a good way to stay accountable.

Another thought...after completing this challenge, you may find that you'll be searching for things to do next month as you come to each zone. (I found that after accomplishing my initial decluttering in some zones.) So as each zone comes around again, you can spend 15 min. a day decluttering drawers and other "hidden" areas. I guess what I'm saying with all this is that you may find you won't have to set aside time for the hidden stuff in the summer -- it may be all done by then. Of course, as FlyLady says (and I've found it to be true) you can get rid of another layer of clutter each time!

Anonymous said...

I would love to join you, but I don't dare commit. I do have on my to do list clean the master bedroom today, but it was also in the list yesterday.
One thing I did last year was everyday for 1 hour all the kids & I would either do some housework or yard work. We did accomplish a lot when we did this. Yesterday my 9 year old & I went out and raked before dinner, we were both surprised at how much we got done! My 11 year old finished making dinner - he is a scientist not a cook!! Despite all the mistakes his part came out pretty well.
How is the entry way coming?

Tricia said...

I'm with you renewing my committment to zone cleaning. It makes such a difference when it gets broken down into manageable chunks and stays cleaner because I go back to it every month. I'm glad Flylady is out there!

Carrie said...

Mom, thanks for joining me! :) I got a lot done today--hope you were able to, as well. Good idea about working on the hidden areas next month--I think I will definitely try to do that!

Joey, I end up carrying over a lot of the chores on my to-do list from day to day, too. :) I love your idea about doing housework or yard work for an hour each day with the kids. And the story about your 11 y.o. finishing making dinner made me smile! :D I can't wait till the kids get old enough to help me cook a little more (they're willing helpers now, but it's not like they can read a recipe!).

Tricia, I completely agree about the zone thing making the chores more manageable! I've gotten out of the habit, but hopefully this deep cleaning will jump start me back into zone mode. I too am so thankful for Flylady! :)