Julia turned 3 months old yesterday! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. I haven't yet found a baby book to write in for her, so I'm trying to keep up with some milestones here on my blog, to record whenever I get one.
She is generally a very happy baby, although like all babies, she has her moments! She loves to smile and "talk" to us--this cooing is a new thing in the past couple weeks, and she's starting to do it more and more. Jim is especially good at getting her to smile and coo. She is definitely a Daddy's girl, although when she's hungry, she'd rather have Mommy. :) We have recently discovered that when she's REALLY tired, she would rather just be put down and left to cry herself to sleep. This usually only takes a few minutes. Yesterday, after going several days with no naps to speak of, she was crying hard and I finally put her down at 4:30 pm. She slept like a log for 10 hours, not getting up till about 2:30 am! I wasn't sure if this was the best thing for her, but I guess she was catching up on all the naps she missed. I was one happy mama when she woke up, though--I was more than ready to feed her! Today she has been back to taking good naps and having happy awake time. She sometimes sucks on her hands to soothe herself. She still isn't a big fan of the pacifier, unless we hold it in her mouth, but that's fine--I don't want her to get addicted to one, anyway. We usually only use it to calm her if she gets to screaming in the car. She loves her bouncy seat and swing, and will stay in them for 20 minutes or more without getting fussy. Sometimes she falls asleep in the swing. She is becoming very aware of people around her now, and loves to watch and listen to Sam and Daddy when they are nearby.
I'm not sure how much she weighs at this point, as she will not have another checkup till 6 months. We'll have to get on the scale with her and try weighing her that way, one of these days.
She's a precious little person and I am so blessed to be her mommy! :)
Three months already, Wow! I can't believe how quickly time is going. She looks beautiful. I'm thankful she's such a contented baby (although that probably is because her momma is such a calm and easygoing person).
Tracy, thanks for the comments. :) Was I really calm and easygoing when we were roommates? I feel like God still has a lot to teach me in the areas of patience and calmness!! :)
Zan, you were on a commenting roll! Julia sometimes nurses to sleep and other times puts herself to sleep really well. Just depends what mood she's in, I guess. I def. can relate on being sore after 10 hours!! Thankfully she doesn't do that every night. :)
Mindee, I'm thankful for the change because I have a high-maintenance child as well. :) As you know! But of course I love him to pieces, too. :D
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