What is your least favorite housekeeping chore? How about most favorite? Today I cleaned my tub/shower, which has got to be about my most detested chore!! I also hate dusting. Now, if I kept up with both of these things better, I probably wouldn't mind doing them so much--my problem is that I let them go for too long, and then it's such a pain to do a thorough job. I've been trying to get back on track with some Flylady habits. So far I've tackled keeping my sink shined (and succeeding most of the time), and doing a "swish and swipe" in the bathroom each day to keep it looking good.
My favorite chore is probably laundry. It just seems so rewarding to throw a bunch of dirty clothes in the washer and have them come out clean. :) It also helps that I LOVE my front-loading washer. Now that it's summer, I'm also enjoying hanging clothes out on the line some of the time.
Without a doubt my least favorite is dishes. I don't mind them too much if I keep up with them, but when they get behind I hate tackling them. I used to love dusting growing up because I would always play my mom's music boxes while I dusted and rearrange and organize things - which I love doing. :)
Hi Gail! Thanks for sharing. I hear you on the dishes . . . that was probably my least favorite too until we moved. I am so thankful for the dishwasher!!! I still have to wash some by hand, but it is way better than having to do them all by hand.
I liked hearing about you dusting and playing your mom's music boxes. :) and I love rearranging things too . . . just did it with a few of my decorations this week, in fact. You'll have to come over sometime and visit! :)
My least favorite chore is vacuuming. I detest it! Dusting runs a close second.
Probably my favorite is laundry. I'm quite stern with myself though, and don't consider the laundry "done" until the clean clothes are put away and any necessary ironing finished.
I also enjoy cleaning bathrooms, especially when one uses the FlyLady system of the everyday swish & swipe. It's an easy habit to get into and keeps the bathrooms presentable at all times. Daily shower cleaner helps a lot with the tub -- even with our extremely hard water, I only have to scrub the tub once a month. I wash the shower curtain and tub mat then too.
My least favorite: laundry. I do not like to do laundry - although I do do it quite often with three little boys in the house!
Most favorite: picking up toys. Kind of strange, and I'm not sure if everyone would consider this a 'housekeeping' chore. I enjoy the feel of having a neat and tidy house. We do toy pick up at least twice each day - before the boys' afternoon nap and again before bedtime. Having all the toys picked up and everything put away gives the house such a clean, uncluttered feel - especially after being toy strewn all the rest of the day. (Yes, the boys do pick up their toys a lot of the time)
I don't like to do laundry because it never seems done or complete.....although I guess most of housework is like that I suppose!
I like to vacuum. Good thing since I have to do it at least every other day!
I so want to get into the swish/swipe bathroom daily habit.
I'm having so much fun reading about people's favorite and not-so-favorite chores!!
Mrs. T--I don't blame you on the vacuuming; I know it takes a while in your house!!
Mindee--I love the Clorox wipes; they are one of my favorite cleaning aids and work great for a daily swish & swipe! :)
Joanne--isn't it crazy how much laundry multiplies once there are kids in the family?! You inspired me to get back to doing a daily toy pick-up twice a day. I was doing good with that before Julia came along, but it's been more challenging lately. And we usually leave a train layout set up for a week at a time just so we won't have to build a new one every day . . . but just picking up all the other toys and organizing the trains helps a lot. :) Thanks for the inspiration!
Mrs. B--you're right about how the laundry never stays done; same thing with dishes!! No matter how shiny my sink is at night, it magically fills up with dishes again the next morning! :) Oh well.
Thanks for sharing, ladies! Keep 'em coming!
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