I thought it would be fun to do an update on Sam, since he is officially 2 1/4 years old today! :)
He had his 2 year checkup on Saturday. He now weighs just over 27 lbs. (kind of cool, since he's 27 months old, as well!) and is 34 1/2" tall. Dr. C. was very impressed to hear that Sam has learned how to ride a tricycle already, so I guess maybe that is unusual for a 2 year old? He also thought that Sam's language development was very good, and was happy to hear that we don't let him watch much TV, but read to him a lot. Sam did real well and although he wasn't really outgoing with the doctor, he wasn't scared to death of him, either. He received 4 stickers (2 of them being Thomas engines) and also got to keep 3 tongue depressors that Dr. C. gave him to play with. He still carries them around, talking about the "sticks" that he got from the doctor.
Here are some highlights of Sam's latest developments:
*Starting to talk in longer and longer sentences, although he still leaves out words such as "the," "and," etc.
*Can climb up into his own booster seat and buckle himself in
*Is working on dressing himself, although he still needs quite a bit of help
*Rides his tricycle (as mentioned above) forwards and backwards (on the deck)
*Has learned a few manners; saying "may I please . . . " when he wants something, "excuse me" when he burps, etc.
*Sings along with many of the words on "Jesus Loves Me," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and other songs
*Brushes his own teeth (but not very well . . . thankfully he still has time to learn this habit while he still has his baby teeth. :))
*Usually doesn't scream anymore when he's getting his head rinsed in the bath
*Keeps his eyes closed while we're praying (usually)
*Is more willing to try most of the foods we put in front of him

He was in his very first Sunday School program yesterday. It was "move up" Sunday at church, and all the children's classes put on a very nice program about Heroes of the Faith. The 2 and 3 year olds (all 50-something of them) got up on the platform to sing "Only a Boy Named David." Sam just stood there and stared, with a very solemn face, but I was thankful that at least he didn't burst into tears! I think I would have at his age, especially with about 1000 pairs of eyes looking at me!! I felt so proud of my little guy, even though he didn't sing or do the actions to go with the song. He still looked so cute. :) And I don't think he was the only one just standing there, although most of the kids were participating. They have all the kids hold onto a rope to bring them down the aisles and back out again. As they were on the way out, I heard Sam start to cry . . . don't know for sure why, but I figured he probably fell down and got stepped on or something. He survived, though. :) Isn't it amazing, how out of that many children, you can tell your own child's cry even when you can't see him?!
Well, our little man is at a very fun age, and we are enjoying every minute of it (almost . . . he still has his challenging times, of course!). It is amazing and so special to watch him grow and learn new things, becoming more boyish and less babyish all the time. He's still his daddy's shadow, and would rather be working with or playing with Daddy than just about anything else (except eating chocolate :)). We are so thankful for our precious son.
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