Julia is beginning to get a bit of personality now. She started giving out a few rare smiles this weekend, and Jim was able to capture a couple of them on the camera. She is also starting to get round and chubby, although most everyone who sees her still comments on how tiny she is.

We did find out for sure that she has an umbilical hernia, but Dr. C. said that 90% of the time this type of hernia corrects itself within a year. and another 5% correct themselves by 3 years. So hopefully hers will be the 1 year type. :)
She slept through the night 3 times last week, much to my amazement. I'm hoping for a repeat this week . . . we will see, though! She is a sweet little bundle of joy, and we love her to pieces!
I can't believe it's been 5 weeks already since your little girl was born! How the time flies by - I can't imagine how you feel! Whew! It must be fun to watch their little personalities come to the surface! I can't wait!!! :-)
Jenny, the time definitely does fly!! Everyone tells you that before you have kids, but it doesn't really hit you till suddenly you are watching them grow up before your eyes! They change from a tiny baby to rather independent toddler so fast.
Your little person will be here before you know it!! End of July, right? How are you feeling? Hope all is going well!
Thanks, Carrie! I'm feeling really great. Had a checkup yesterday, and the dr. said all is well! This has been a WONDERFUL pregnancy! I have about 7 weeks left. WHEW! it's gone so quickly!
She is just adorable! I enjoy the baby stage so much more now, even in the middle of the night. They are little for such a short time - everytime I look at my 10 year old I am remined of this.
TJ--thanks for visiting my blog! We think julia is a cutie, too. :)
Joey--it was nice to hear from you! Thanks for reminder that kids do grow up so fast. I think I am enjoying Julia's newborn stages (even the middle of the night!) more than I did with Sam, because as you said, I now realize how short their babyhood is. I'm sure it will hit me even harder when I have a 10 year old, though!
I also can't believe 5 weeks have passed. She's GORGEOUS! Hope she keeps sleeping through!
Christen, thank you! She is getting more and more smiley all the time, which is fun. :) Not sleeping through regularly yet . . . but she is still waking less than Sam ever did. :)
Hope you are all doing well!!
Bridget--thanks for your comment! I enjoyed checking out your blog, as well. :) It's always nice to have a new person visit my blog!
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