Am I the only one who is a paper piler? I am so bad about this; my home is filled with little piles of papers here and there--on the desk, under the desk, on the kitchen table, on the hutch, sometimes on the piano bench . . . and the list goes on. One of my goals for this summer is to get rid of the paper clutter. I need to find homes for the important stuff and toss the rest! The really bad thing is that Jim and I both make piles, so then we both have to go through them (so that I don't throw away something that was important to him). You would think we would be more organized with our papers after nearly 7 years of marriage, but nope.
So . . . here's my goal. I plan to ruthlessly attack clutter this summer. Especially paper clutter. Junk mail will go immediately in the trash. Bills will go immediately into the bills-to-pay envelope. Newspapers and ads will be looked over and then put into the recycle bag. And I will try to spend several minutes each day going through the current piles and finding homes for the important papers (if there are any) and tossing the rest. I will plan to be paper clutter-free by August 31! I'll try to update on my progress as I go. Any other piler-filers want to join me? :)
Oh! What a great challenge! I'll join you in your quest. Even though I've made progress in this area, thanks to FlyLady, I would love to have a home free of paper clutter! (And I'd like to go a step further and declutter the filing cabinets too!)
Since we are getting ready to move again in a few weeks, I'm currently going through old things and getting rid of things that aren't worth packing. I work hard to keep my piling to a minimum anyway - maybe it is the secretary in me that can't handle it. I just try to keep small stacks and go through them regularly so they don't even get big and seem overwhelming. Good luck with your project.
Mrs. T, you are ambitious to try the file cabinets, too! That will have to be my next goal after getting rid of the piles . . . :)
Sandra, I wish I had some secretary genes like you . . . then maybe I would be more organized! I hope your packing and moving goes well! Take care.
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