Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Clarification from Debi Pearl

I know I've mentioned Debi's book, Created to Be His Help Meet many times on this blog before, and shared what a blessing it's been in my life. I did question, however, that in a few places she seemed to downplay the wife's personal relationship with God (aka devotional life) to some degree. I thought I could bascially understand where she was coming from, but it just was a little unclear to me, and I think that it's very important to spend quiet time with God each day (even though I don't always do as well with this as I would like). Anyway, in the newest issue of No Greater Joy, Debi answered a question about this very topic. Here are both the question and her answer, in case others were wondering about this like I was:

"I thought the book Created was wonderful! Two other ladies and I have a question, though. Spiritually, it seems that you are saying that everything is to come from God to the husband, and come from him, according to your book. I (we) feel it is still VERY important to spend one-on-one time with our Lord and Master. I know I get up early and many times pray about an hour . . . not everyone can do that . . . or I should say, they could, but don't. It's something you plan and choose to make time for. Please comment, because all of these ladies who have read the book are wanting to meet together several nights to discuss what we've read. I know the above will be asked."

Debi's answer: Knowing the Lord and fellowshipping with Him both in spirit and in the truth of his Word is absolutely crucial. But my book was written to bring all women, not just believers, back to what they were created to be. Almost every Christian book on the market written to women is trying to get them to go deeper into their own Christian experience, so it would not have been productive for me to add to the drift. Most of the letters (many thousands) I have received from wives, where the marriages were foundering, testify of their daily seeking a higher spiritual walk. If you read enought of the letters, it is easy to see that many women have forgotten that the best way to truly honor and worship God is to obey Him. God's first and foremost WILL for wives is to be good Help Meets. True worship starts in obedience. I Samuel 15:22 says concerning king Saul's disobedience, 'And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice . . . '"

This really helped clear up my questions on this! I'm glad she went ahead and clarified it.

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