Monday, April 18, 2005

Weekend Happenings

We enjoyed another beautiful spring weekend. It seems so warm for April! It's hard to believe that it was still winter, just a few weeks ago. Yesterday afternoon we got ambitious and went for a hike in our "backyard." This means that we climbed the mountain behind out new house! Well, I guess it's technically not a mountain, but it sure is a very high (and steep) hill! Jim was carrying Sam in the backpack (we really need to invest in a bigger one; he barely fits in this one anymore!) and I was carrying another backpack with some water, sweatshirts, the camera, etc. I was pleased to discover that I must be in a little better shape than the last time we went hiking back there, a couple of years ago. Not that I ran up there, but at least I was able to make it to the top of wherever we were! Part of the time we were on my Grampa's land, part of the time on National Forest land, and who knows who's land we were on the other part of the time! But we sure had fun. It was so peaceful and beautiful up there in the woods. There are too many trees to get any really good views from up there, but we were able to get a fairly decent look at Loon Lake and surroundings from the highest point.
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House Progress

We were able to spend most of Saturday over at the new house. Jim started grout on the tile in the entry, and also hooked up our toilet in preparation for our septic system, which will hopefully get completed sometime in May, as we are hoping to move in by the end of May/beginning of June. My dad worked on mudding and taping in the laundry room, master bedroom, and part of the living room. It's really coming along well! I need to get busy and decide what color paint to use in the different rooms. I think I've decided what I'm going to use in the master bath, and probably in Sam's room, but that's about all so far.


Sam is still either getting over a cold or working on new teeth. He has been coughing so much that we decided it would be best for him and me to stay home from church yesterday, to give him some more time to rest up, and also so we didn't risk infecting other nursery kids if it does happen to be a cold. I tend to lean toward thinking it's more teeth, mainly because he still plays happily all day and isn't acting sick, other than having a runny nose and the persistent cough. And he mostly coughs at night, not so much during the day. I hope he gets over it soon, whatever it is!

His new favorite toy is apparently a tape measure. Jim has an old one that he keeps in the house and Sam really gets a kick out of carrying it around and pulling the tape out, over and over. Hmmm, I wonder if I see carpentry in his future? :) The past few days, he has also been jabbering to himself more and more. It's so much fun to listen to him. I'm looking forward to when he really starts talking and we can figure out better what he wants!

His new pictures should be done by tomorrow, so hopefully we will be getting them and sending them out to people soon. I can't believe how much bigger he looks just since we had the Christmas pictures done. Here's a picture taken yesterday of my two favorite guys:
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Wrapping Up

I guess that is about all the news around here. :) Oh, a blessing for today . . . I went outside a few minutes ago and heard the "croakers" for the first time this year (these are the frogs that live in the marshy area down the road) . . . it's such a happy sound and another sure sign of spring!!

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