Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Neverending Cold

It seems we are unceasingly sick around here lately! For the past few weeks/months, we have been passing a cold back and forth among the three of us. We can't seem to stay healthy for more than a week at a time, and we aren't all healthy at the same time! This week Sam and I have it, while Jim is just getting over one. I don't know what's up--it's not like we don't constantly wash our hands and use hand sanitizer. Oh well, this too shall pass. I hope . . . :)

Amazingly, I'm breaking my pattern of only writing on Mondays. I had a little down time while Sam was napping (finally!) so I felt like jabbering a little in my blog. Sam has been on the go today (at least he feels like playing), and we did our errands (Hannaford and Walmart) and laundry, so it's been a busy day. It feels good to just sit and do something relaxing for a little while. I actually had typed a whole long post a few minutes ago, but then it got lost somehow because the site redirected me to log in again. Apparently my log-in session from this morning (when I started posting) had expired. Hopefully this one will work OK.

It's another rainy day here in the Granite State. I know we do need it, but I am ready to see some sunshine again!

I'm enjoying my new books. I'm about a quarter of the way into "Created to be His Help Meet," by Debi Pearl. It's excellent, and I highly recommend it for all wives! It's easy to read, with lots of illustrations, tons of Scripture, and just plain old good advice. I'm finding my perspective on some things is changing, and I'm being very convicted about how I need to relate to my hubby! It's very challenging. She really "tells it how it is" and shares candidly from her own experiences, and I like it when an author does that. You feel as if you're sitting down on the front porch talking with her in person, rather than just reading a book. We've also been getting some helpful advice from the Pearls' book "To Train Up a Child" as we continue to work with Sam and endeavor to bring him up in the "nuture and admonition of the Lord."

Speaking of Sam, here are a couple pictures of him. In the first, he's playing with a plastic "eyeball" of Jim's. I call this picture "3 big blue eyes." :)
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And here's one of him with his tape measure. I think he's going to be just like his daddy when he grows up!! A handyman!!
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Well, I need to get going and try to get a few things done around the house while I still have the chance. I also wanted to encourage people to post comments anytime they want to--I would love to hear from you and find out how many read this! Just click on the word "comments" at the bottom of any entry and it will take you to a page where you can add something. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

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