Saturday, March 14, 2015

10 Years of Blogging

Ten years ago today, I typed my first little post in this space, titled "Something new."  Boy, how long ago that seems!  At the time, we had only one child...hence the "samsmommy" blog address.  Sam had just turned one, and we lived in a tiny little trailer while we were building our house. It's funny to think how much has changed in that time...we've added more kids, accumulated a lot more stuff, finally switched to high speed internet (which should make blogging a whole lot easier, but somehow I post even less than ever before).  We've changed in some ways, stayed the same in others.  We've been part of a really big church and now part of a small church.  We've built new friendships and said goodbye to other friends who moved away.  We've gone from the baby and toddler years into the school years, and now back to the baby years again!  I've tried to chronicle the bits and pieces of our life, and though I've missed some things along the way, I feel like we have a pretty good family journal of the past ten years.  I've written here at least once every month except for last November, the month Ari was born.  Not sure how I missed that one, but it was probably because I posted about everything on my pregnancy blog.

I had no idea back then that I was writing on "Pi Day" (3.14).  Today all my math nerd friends have been posting about it on Facebook (apparently today is the ultimate Pi Day that only happens once a lifetime . . . 3.14.15.  Not being a very Mathy person myself , I really do not "get" this, but it's still cool that it happens to fall on my blogaversary!

It's fun to think back on the different looks my blog has had over the years.  I started with a Blogger lighthouse template and have switched things up quite a few times, trying to make it more personal as I've learned a little bit about editing, making headers and buttons, etc.  I still have a lot to learn, but not as much time to play around with things as I would like!

I had really hoped to do some kind of a giveaway to celebrate this fun milestone . . . but of course I didn't plan ahead enough, so I'm not doing one right now.  I'd still like to do one this summer sometime and count it for the 10 year celebration anyway. :)

I'm really thankful I discovered blogging all those years ago.  It was the "new" thing then, and there weren't too many that I followed.  Now it's a well-established part of the internet, and there are way too many good ones to choose from!  Writing here has been a good outlet for me, it's helped me journal and preserve some memories, and while I may not have become a better writer, at least I know I've continued writing (something I love) almost every month.  I may not have achieved my dream of writing a book or doing anything "big," but I get to share things with others and have even met some new friends this way!  And reconnected with some old friends too, which is just so cool. :)

So anyway, I just didn't want to let this day slip by unnoticed, and I wanted to say thanks to all of you who read here!  Even if nobody read my thoughts, I would want to record some memories for our family . . . but knowing people read my ramblings makes blogging even more fun. :)  And if you're reading this and have a minute to comment--even if you're a lurker who's never commented before--I would love to hear from you, just a quick note to let me know who you are and how you found my blog, or anything else you'd like to say!  Thanks to all who have joined me here over the past ten years, and I'm looking forward to continuing the journey for the next ten and beyond!


Patty Anglea said...

You are an excellent writer, Carrie, and I am privileged to be one of your more recent followers. Your blogs are a wonderful way of recording precious memories of your kiddos' growing-up years...something you will look back on in the future and be very glad that you did! Congrats on your 10-year blogging anniversary!

Kathleen :-) said...

I am very thankful for your blog and the things you share and write about! You are a blessing! :-) Happy 10 Years of Blogging!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie,
I still laugh that I literally stumbled on your blog by accident. I had absolutely NO IDEA what a blog was way back then, :) Josiah was your baby then. :) Anyway, I am glad that I found you here! Happy 10 YEAR Blogging!!! What a milestone!

Mrs.T said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years!!! It will be 10 years for me, on August 9th. I just looked it up. I would like to do some sort of giveaway, as well, when the time comes. We will see!

The pictures you included with this are great. Snowy outdoor fun, and the pics really show the kids' personalities. Love the ones of Ari too, especially the one with arms outstretched. She's a cute one!

Carrie said...

Happy 10 years! I used to blog but facebook is my outlet but I journal at home too - more private. I met you in college and took a few classes with you. One of the few other "Carrie's" I know. I read all your blog posts bc its nice to know another Christian mommy :)

1HappyWife said...

Congratulations on 10 years :)!!!!! Your the first blog I ever read....I had no idea what a blog was when your Mom gave me the address. It has been fun to reconnect over the years and to watch your family grow! Beautiful pictures :). Love the up close ones.

Mrs. Smith said...

It's been a joy following along your blogging journey. Congratulations to you on your 10th year!!!! Wow!!! That is awesome!!!

Wishing all of you a very Happy Easter!

Carrie said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments! Sorry it took me almost a month to publish them...I don't know WHERE the last few weeks have gone. I hope to get back to blogging this week. I miss posting here and need to make the time somehow!! :)