Friday, November 08, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness: November 8

Today I'm thankful for a couple of things:

#1. Two loads of firewood brought in and stacked in the garage this afternoon (very thankful Jim was able to help us, as it went a lot faster with him to help us load and unload, and drag the heavy cart!)

#2. That we were able to get our heating oil tank filled today.  For the past few years we haven't had it filled all at one time; Jim just put in 50 gallons at a time every 2-3 months.  After some consideration, we decided to go ahead and get it totally filled this month so we won't have to buy it again for another year.  So thankful we had the money set aside so we could do this, and that we both came to the same conclusion that this was the best way to go for this year! :)  Also, thankful that the total cost was about $200 less than we expected.  Always a nice surprise when that happens!!

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