Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weekly Goals 01/29/13

Late with the goals again!  Here's how last week went (not too great!!):

  1. Keep up with daily Bible reading--DONE!
  2. Complete week 4 of health & fitness challenge--DONE!
  3. Complete week 17 of school--DONE!
  4. Declutter 3 kitchen cabinets--Not done; but I DID clean out my whole dresser, so that counts for something! :)
  5. Get to bed by 10:30 pm every weeknight--Nope.
  6. Pay insurance bills--DONE!
  7. Balance remaining bank accounts--Not done.
  8. Blog 3-4 times--Nope, obviously!
  9. Read 4 chapters of Desperate and 4 chapters of Cleaning House; finish reading The Nonesuch--Not done.
  10. Finish making 3 gifts--Not done.
  11. Begin baking class with Sam--Nope.
  12. Begin teaching kids bathroom cleaning skills--And nope!  Think maybe I set my sights a little bit too high? :)

And here are my goals for this week.  I'm keeping things a bit more simple, and probably will continue to until after my surgery in February.  Hoping to tackle some more in-depth projects in March. :)

  1. Keep up with daily Bible reading
  2. Finish week 5 of fitness challenge
  3. Finish week 18 of school
  4. Schedule surgery (already done! :))
  5. Read 4 chapters of Desperate; finish The Nonesuch
  6. Blog 3-4 times
  7. Begin baking class with Sam
  8. Record 3 blessings daily in my 1000 Gifts journal
  9. Balance bank accounts
  10. Plan menu for next 2 weeks

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