First of all, Happy Easter! I hope each of you has had a blessed day celebrating Jesus' resurrection and the gift of eternal life.

This year, Easter and Josiah's birthday happened to fall on the same day. Yes, my little man is now THREE. We have had a busy day--up early for church, home again to finish dinner preparations; Grammy, Grampa and Great-Grampa arrived for dinner and stayed for a nice relaxing afternoon; we had presents, cake and ice cream, and all of that combined made for one tired little guy. We had planned to go back to church tonight, but with all the busyness we ended up staying home. And Josiah conked out on the couch while watching one of his new Busytown movies. :)

Words can't express just how much I love this little guy. He is so precious, so much fun. He makes me laugh daily. I can't believe he has been a part of our family for 3 years now. (
You can read his birth story here, if you haven't already. Or if you're just a birth story junkie like me. :))
He is growing, changing, and learning all the time. He is very opinionated. He gets embarrassed easily and doesn't like being laughed at or teased (though he usually takes it with a grin, along with a command to "stop!"). His favorite colors are green and blue (he's very emphatic about that). He loves Thomas, cars, trucks, his stuffed puppy "Pongo," listening to stories, watching movies, playing outside, going on trips (especially in Daddy's truck), having friends and family over to visit, eating anything sweet, and the list goes on. He loves to give big hugs and kisses--in fact, he likes to kiss our ears, eyes, heads, chins, as well as the regular cheek kisses. :) He sleeps all night long nearly 100% of the time, and loves to sleep with the sheet pulled over his head. He has such a fun and mischievous personality and helps to fill our home with fun.

Happy Birthday, sweet Siah! We love you so much!
Happy Birthday to Josiah!!!Those pics are so precious.I love the last one of him all tuckered out after his party.:)
I have read his birth story before BUT I love to read birth stories.I was just telling my husband that sometimes I should not let myself read them my pregnant state some things are just better not known,but yet I love to read them and always go back for more!!!!It is fun to see what we can glean from others births.I really look forward to writing another in September.:)Although ours just go into the babies book.:)~Nikki
Looks like you guys know how to throw a party! Happy birthday to Josiah! He is such a cutie it sounds like he is lots of fun, too. Glad you were able to celebrate with family & have a fun day!
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