Just wanted to remind everyone about the Perseids meteor showers that are going on right now--mid-August is always a great time to go out and look for shooting stars, if the sky is clear!! Jim and I love to have a star-gazing date (completely free and so fun and romantic!) every August. Last night would have been the best night, but of course I forgot all about it till today! It should still be great tonight, though. We went stargazing last week and saw at least 5 shooting stars in the course of an hour, even then. If you live in a place where there aren't too many city lights, take out a couple of lawn chairs (or a blanket or air mattress if you want to avoid a stiff neck), and spend an hour or two watching the night sky and talking. It's seriously one of the best dates ever! I think tonight we will add chocolate cake and milk to make it even better . . . :)
This would also be a great family activity/astronomy lesson, if you don't mind keeping the kids up late!
image from www.sxc.hu
This should make you feel better about missing watching for meteors last night... I went out twice, once around 12:30 and once around 2:30, and the sky was so cloudy that only a very few stars -- like two or three -- were visible. Tonight should be better! Thanks for reminding everyone!
Yeah, tonight was pretty good! We didn't stay out long since Jim has to work tomorrow. But we saw around 6-7 in about half an hour. If I happen to wake up in the wee hours I might go out and look again. But at that hour of the morning my eyes are usually too bleary to see anything clearly . . . :)
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