Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

I'm getting this post up a little late, but I just wanted to say "Happy Father's Day" to the dads in my life. First of all, to my own dad . . . who has been a huge blessing all through my life. I don't think there are too many dads that could be more fun and crazy than he is! :) He has been faithful to encourage me spiritually, too, and to pray for his children faithfully. I will always be thankful for that!Secondly, to my great father-in-law, who is a blessing in so many ways, too. Thank you for all you have taught Jim and for the many skills you have passed on to him! For encouraging us, and for sharing your love of trains with all of your grandchildren. :) And so much more!And finally, to my sweet husband, who is an amazing Daddy to our three little ones. He continually gives of himself to them and gives of his time to play with them and teach them. I love watching him grow in so many ways as a father. Happy Father's Day to all of you!!!

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