Monday, May 10, 2010

Fresh, with no mistakes in it

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I love that quote from Anne of Green Gables: "tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it yet." That is how I feel about today! Yesterday was a rough day . . . definitely not my idea of a "perfect" Mother's Day. It started with Julia throwing up, and ended with Josiah falling off the kitchen counter, flat on his face. (Don't worry, he's OK--there was a little blood involved, but he's fine now.) And there were a myriad of other "little things" in between . . . honestly, it was like almost everything that could go wrong yesterday, did! And I'm ashamed to say that my responses to all of this were pretty stinky, too--tears, grouchiness, frustration that things weren't going "my way."

As I was falling asleep last night after a good long cry (which I think was helpful in the long run :)), God reminded me of several things. First, I cannot allow my circumstances to determine my joy! I can choose to find joy even in a day that isn't going well. I can choose to let the joy of the Lord be my strength. I can remember one of my favorite verses, "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me." Instead of getting frustrated with my precious children, why don't I choose to hold them close and remember how blessed I am to even have children?! There are mothers today who are grieving the loss of a child . . . and other ladies who wish with all their hearts that they were able to have a child. I have been blessed with three (mostly) healthy and happy little people! They are so special.

This morning I apologized to them for my bad attitude yesterday. They were like "huh?" Apparently my grumpiness was not as obvious to them as it was to me. :) I am thankful for sweet forgiving kids, who love me no matter what. And, I am thankful that God's mercies are new every morning . . . great is His faithfulness!

Another thing He has been showing me is the need to re-prioritize some things. With that in mind, I'm going to be taking a bloggy break till Saturday. I may post a little if I have extra time on my hands, but I'm going to stay away from my Google reader and Facebook, and will just be checking email a couple times a day or so. I need to take the time to focus on my family, home, and finishing up Sam's schoolwork. :) Thanks for listening as I share about my struggles; I know my words here are usually happy and lighthearted, but yes, I do have definite times of discouragement. I'm sure I'm not alone in this! I hope all of you have a wonderful week!


Arlene G said...

A good cry is always good to get the frustration out and the calmness in!! Who doesnt feel better after a therapeutic tear fest? Praying that your little ones are on the road to recovery.

Anonymous said...

Great attitude Carrie! As you said things will completely fall apart around us, but our attitude needs to be focused on our heavenly Father who sees and knows all.

Take care,


Mrs.T said...

Wonderful post, Carrie! I love that quote from Anne too... and the Lord really spoke to me today through Philippians 4:13 when I faced doing something that felt impossible. I was typing a devotional page at the time and that verse hit me like a ton of bricks! Later, when I actually had to do the "impossible" task, it was amazing how God gave strength. It truly felt as if it was not me doing it... and I know that is true. A similar verse stuck out to me when we were on vacation -- "Seek the Lord and His strength" (1 Chronicles 16:11). Oh, how often we forget to do that!

Thanks so much for sharing your heart with your readers.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your post Carrie!!!Somedays we need to be reminded that things do not always go as we plan.With little ones no two days are the same but I am trying to enjoy everyday.Even the ones that make me wish I could have stayed in bed.:)Hope God blesses you with a good rest of the week.~Nikki

mindee said...

Thanks for sharing this, Carrie. I have definitely been there, too! Psalm 103 has always been an encouragement to me. He remembers that we are dust. he knows how weak we are. Thankfully, He has infinite strength and mercy!

Mary Ann said...

I love that quote from Anne, too. I'm sorry you had a rough Mother's Day. I'm sorry Julia was sick & Josiah took a tumble. Sometimes it all just feels like too much, doesn't it? I have had a series of circumstances in several areas of my life lately where things have not gone my way. Schedule interruptions, unexpected expenses, illnesses, etc. All things that have made me need to ditch 'my plan' & go with what the Lord obviously intended for me. Man, does that ever make me grouchy! And have I ever been convicted about my sorry attitudes.
I hope you have had a good week to reflect, reprioritize, & refresh.

Kara said...

Wow- your Mother's Day sounded just like mine! My husband had to go to work after church and the day just went downhill from there... it was awful. Thank you for sharing. :) You KNOW you're not alone!