I also checked out French Women Don't Get Fat from the library and am re-skimming it. Maybe I'll do a review of that book too, one of these days. I read it a few years ago and really enjoyed it--lots of practical, common sense tips in there, but written in a fun, interesting way. It's helping to increase my motivation, not just to lose weight, but to eat for pleasure as well as health. Now if only I could afford some high-quality European chocolate for my weekly splurges . . . ;)
This week's goal: Drink my 66 oz. of water EVERY day, exercise 5 days, and watch my diet more closely. Weight loss goal for this week will be 1 lb, but hopefully 2. :) I also really need to work on incorporating more fruits and veggies (esp. veggies!) into my diet.
So, how did you guys do? Please share! :)
I was able to exercise 6 days this past week, and lost 1.5 pounds. My goal for this week is to do 50 - 60 minutes of exercise each day through the week, and on the weekend as well if I'm able.
This week I did really well with exercising. I did my simple exercise routine 4 days out of the 5 that I aim for, and went for a walk 6 days out of 7. On a couple of those days I went out walking twice. I did pretty well with eating healthy through the week, only eating dessert on Sunday. I got plenty of sleep. Drinking enough water still needs work, but I did drink much more water (and green tea) this week.
I got three words for you, Carrie - Girl Scout Cookies. lol! I didn't gain but I didn't lose. I was able to exercise more although I am still just walking. After work today I'm going to give a workout dvd a try & we'll see if my midsection has healed enough to take it. I have done really well with water (that is easy for me) but I've had too many short nights. Sleeping more is as much a goal for me as eating healthy. I struggle with both. Here's to a more productive week!
I am beginning to think I should not have entered this challenge! I am not doing well with exercising this last week and I am feeling it.
My excuse, if they are allowed, is that I have been doing lots of painting in our house and it's taking up most of my spare time!
The rest of you are doing really well! :)
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