Thursday, August 20, 2009

Anniversary Adventures--Part 2

The day after our anniversary, Saturday, we decided to head off on yet another adventure! We headed north--because so many of our favorite places in NH are north of us. :) First we stopped for a picnic lunch:
Then we continued on our way again, and again stopped . . . this time for a short (but steep!) hike, where we got to see a train . . .
. . . going across a bridge in the mountains.
After hiking back down, we drove some more, ending up at our final destination for the day:
Where we had to wait in line for a very long time! And played around with the camera to help pass the time. :)
We finally got to start going up and up and up the steep, winding road . . .
Almost at the top!
Wow . . . breathtaking. I could literally sit here all day and just look. If I didn't have three kids to look after, that is. :)

The Lake of the Clouds and AMC hut, farther down the mountain:
The weather was almost perfect (aside from the freezing wind). The visibility was amazing. We could see all the way to the coast. Out of the three times in my life that I've been on top of Mt. Washington, this was the best as far as the clear view!
We didn't get home till 9 pm, and it was a super tiring weekend, but well worth it. I'm so thankful for the fun adventures we enjoyed as we celebrated ten wonderful years together!! :)

And I have lots more to blog about, but it will have to wait. Hopefully I'll have a chance to post a little bit tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures and maybe you'll feel like you had a virtual adventure, too. :)


Mary Ann said...

Thanks so much for the virtual adventure! I have never been to New England but I always want to go there after I read about your adventures! I'm glad you were able to celebrate your anniversary with so much fun!

Mrs.T said...

So much fun especially for those train-loving youngsters! The photo of the train on the trestle is awesome. Worth the hike, I would say!

Whenever Mr.T and I look at your photos of Mt.Washington, we are reminded that we have never been up there. One of these days...