Saturday, August 01, 2009


Every now and then, I get the itch to share a bunch of links with you all. Just interesting things that I come across, that I think others might be interested in, too. Here are a few fairly recent ones!

  • Kendra at New Life on a Homestead just had a homebirth last week . . . I know some of you are birth story junkies like me, so you're sure to enjoy reading her experience! Here are Part 1 and Part 2.
  • Mrs. Wilt of The Sparrow's Nest just started blogging again, after a long absence! It's nice to see her back in the blogosphere! :)
  • And Stellan is doing much better now, praise the Lord!! He didn't have to go to Boston after all, and you can read the latest detailed update on him here.

And on a completely different note, we had a MOOSE in our backyard this evening!! The first one we've ever seen here, though we've seen lots of tracks in the past. The kids all got to see him (her?--no antlers) too, but unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get a picture before he (she?) disappeared into the woods. Anyway, it was very exciting!!

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