Here are a few other reasons:
* Our freezers are full of meat, enough to last us a few months! We were able to take advantage of a sale on ground beef, buying 20 lbs, which cost us about $40. That very day, our Rite Aid rebate check from last month arrived--which totalled just over $40. How cool is that! (As a side note--I spent about $30 after coupons at Rite Aid last month, and got a $40 check back. I don't think I've ever done quite that well with the rebates before, so that was super exciting for me!) We were also given a bunch of venison from some friends . . . and are well stocked with chicken breast, too.
* Julia is completely potty-trained now; she's even been dry at night for the past 2 weeks. It is SO nice to only have one child in diapers now. I am not patting myself on the back for her training--it just really clicked with her, and we're done after about 6 mos. of working on it. It took a bit longer than that with Sam!
* I am finally down to my pre-Josiah weight!!! I still have a bit that I want to lose, to get back to my pre-any-kids weight, but I am determined to get there. My sis-in-law and I have been checking in with each other on our weight loss journeys, which has been fun--always nice to have a buddy to help keep me accountable! :)
* I am so blessed to have many sweet Christian friends and family members who are young moms like me. I was able to spend time with some of these friends today, and it was such a treat to spend time encouraging and sharing with each other.
Well, I am sure there is much more I could jabber on about, but I'll leave it at that for now so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour. :) To hear more works of God testimonies, head over to Jenny's blog!
Carrie, thanks for sharing your answers to prayer. No matter how many times we go through the same struggles, it's an wonderful encouragement to see God working.
That is so true! How wonderful to see all the ways in which God is working. I think so many times we see how much still has to be done in our lives and we forget to thank the Lord for the things He is doing every day. Thanks so much for sharing these blessings!
I'm so happy that your husband has been able to find work. I know a lot of men who are working in construction who are having similar issues.
Yay, for potty training. Harry's coming along OK, but not that great. :-/
It's very encouraging to me to see how God has blessed you.
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