Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Josiah!!!

Exactly one year ago, I was in labor . . . about half an hour away from delivering our third baby. That was the labor that started at Burger King and ended 2 hours later, in the bathtub. :) I was all for going to BK for supper tonight, in celebration of last year, but hey--we just got a pep talk from Dave Ramsey last night (more on that later), so I see us being even more tight fisted than usual over the next months! So we opted to skip BK and ate homemade quesadillas instead. I also made a chocolate cake and we had ice cream in the freezer from last week, when we had some friends over. So we had a nice little family celebration. We'll do a "real" party next weekend, when we combine his and Julia's birthdays--so we'll do presents then.

It is amazing to me how much faster time goes, each time we add another child to our family. Josiah is now a sturdy, walking, babbling little guy . . . how did that happen?! How do they change so much in just a year? He is a sweet little boy, and we are so blessed to have him.

Here is a picture of him from his "birth day":and here is one of him from today, his first birthday! (sorry for the blurriness, he was on the move as usual, and I forgot to put the camera on the action setting)Happy Birthday, little buddy boy! We love you bunches!!


Kara said...

Happy Birthday Josiah!
Don't even get me started about time flying, I know exactly what you're talking about!

Mrs.T said...

Yes, Happy Birthday, little guy! (He looks SO grown-up in that top picture!