Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Homemade Life

After my post about a homemade year, my mom gave me the suggestion that it might be fun to do a weekly post about doing things the "homemade way," complete with a Mr. Linky for others to share their ideas or accomplishments on their own blogs. I thought it was a good idea and so I'll give it a try. :) Even if I don't get a ton of responses, it will be fun to record my own ventures into the world of homemade.

Here's the deal: You can do a post about something you've made, whether a craft, a recipe, a household cleaner, whatever! Or you can do a post linking to a great homemade idea of some kind on another site. Or if you don't have a blog, you have a couple other options: you can either write about your ideas/projects in the comments, or you can email me with what you would post if you had a blog, and include pictures too, if you like, for me to post here. I hope it'll be a fun way to share with others and learn new things along the way, too.

I haven't decided for sure yet what day I'll do this little feature. It'll probably either be Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. And I can't guarantee it'll be on the same day every week, though I will try! :)

So without further ado, here are my homemade projects for this week: Felt valentine cookies, which I made following these directions. These were so fun and easy to make, and I believe that making felt food could very easily become addictive!
And homemade hot chocolate mix, made using my mom's recipe--so, so yummy. We go through lots of this in the winter!!And one other thing we did (I use the term "we" very loosely--Jim did all the work!) was to re-season my cast-iron skillet. We realized that we had never really seasoned it properly and it was starting to get some rust and flaking on it. I found these great instructions on how to season cast iron, and after waiting over a week for the oil on the pan to get tacky, we were finally able to "burn" it in the oven today and it looks amazing now. Like a whole new pan! I can't wait to cook something in it. :)

So, how about you all? Have you done something homemade this week (or anytime lately)? I'd love to hear! Let's inspire each other! :)

If you've never used a Mister Linky, here's how it works: In the first space, type your first name, and if you'd like to specify what your post is about, you can add that in parentheses. In the second space, copy and paste the URL of the blog post you want to link to. Mister Linky will automatically ask you to leave a comment on my post, but you don't need to, unless you want to. :) Anyway, it's fairly simple and hopefully will be fun for everyone.


Mrs.T said...

This sounds like so much fun! Here's the link to my first post.

Love the felt cookies!!

Linda said...

I read the web-site and it sounds good and makes sense. I'm considering trying this with one of my pans, but before I do, I was wondering, is it working out as good as the web-site says. Acting like Teflon?? That sounds to good to be true. However, if it is at least better then "normal"(at least what is normal in this house) that would be an improvement over always scraping them clean.
