Thursday, September 11, 2008

Feels like fall . . .

We had our first fire in the woodstove this morning. Temps weren't really that cold (low 40s), but there was a definite nip in the air. And the fire took the chill off nicely. The day got quite warm later, and I was regretting my long sleeved shirt by the time we were done with errands this afternoon. It was a busy day . . . grocery store, Walmart, consignment store, library, bank, farmers' market. I ended up with 3 very tired kiddos and one very tired me. :) I should be in bed right now, but having a little quiet time to unwind feels good, you know?

My new curtains arrived earlier this week. I love them! I still need to hem them, but a picture will be forthcoming once the sewing is done and I have them all hung.

Sewing has taken a backseat to all the other stuff I've been trying to get done lately, but I really want to get back to it. I want to make more burpcloths to sell. I'm still debating between opening an Etsy shop or trying to sell them at the children's consignment store. Opinions? Etsy would give me a lot bigger audience, but the local option would be easier--no shipping to mess with, etc. I think I'll probably try that to start with and see how it goes. Of course this is all hypothetical right now, since I only have 2 burpcloths all done. :) I may be kidding myself that I'll be able to find the time to actually make enough to sell. I'm not sure that I'm one of those women who is organized to have a home business. Oh well, it's fun to dream anyway. :)

Well, I am off to bed now--the busy day is starting to catch up with me. Nighty night!


Jenny said...

Starting to feel like fall, here, too! Is your consignment shop the type of place that people would be willing to pay enough for your BEAUTIFUL burp cloths to make it worth your while?

PS - I've gotten a bunch of nice comments about the ones I won in your giveaway! I love them!!

Unknown said...

Does it cost anything to open a shop on Etsy? I say go for it, girl!

I am right with you on the sewing frustration. Yesterday I sewed an applique over a stain on one of Chloe's shirts and it felt so wonderful to actually start and finish a project(albeit a small one)! Mostly I just daydream about sewing projects. :)

Feeling like fall here too. Sigh. I'm not quite ready to give up summer yet.