Since he's still pretty new, he's not really "doing" much yet--no smiles (except for the accidental gassy ones), no rolling over, etc. He is staying awake more in the daytime, so I guess that's one new thing. He's still a good sleeper at night and usually just wakes up once or twice to nurse. The past few nights he's been a little stuffed up, which means I've had to suction his nose a little bit, but overall he's still sleeping well. While Jim's parents were here, he had one evening where he was very fussy, like he had a bad tummy ache, and I was sorry I hadn't bought any gripe water (the best thing for a colicky baby that I've found!). I did get some later in the week, but since then he hasn't needed it, of course. :) I'm not sure what I ate that gave him the tummy ache, but thankfully he doesn't have the tendency toward colic that the other two did.
He is different in a lot of ways from Sam and Julia, actually. It will be interesting to see if his personality is a lot different from theirs down through the years, too. Here are some of the ways he's different (and of course, these could change at any time!):
~ Rarely has a blowout diaper (I think this has happened maybe once)
~ Rarely spits up (I've barely had to use any of those cute burpcloths I made for him!)
~ Takes a pacifier happily
~ Is content in the swing for fairly long periods of time
~ Hasn't gotten a hernia yet--praying that he doesn't! (Sam had an inguinal hernia which had to be repaired at 10 weeks old, and Julia had an umbilical hernia which fixed itself as she grew.)
He just came out with a whopping case of baby acne but it hasn't diminished his cuteness too much. :) Yesterday I received my new pouch sling in the mail (yippee!!) and tried it out right away. He loved it, and I am so excited to put it to use. It will be handy for grocery shopping, and anytime I want to carry him around but don't want to mess with buckles and straps on a baby carrier.
Well, I better get going for now so I have time to get everything ready for church. Hope you enjoyed this little update and pics of our littlest man! :)
He's such a cutie-pie! I know what you mean; a friend of mine put it this way "The years go by quickly but the days are long." So true!
Yay that Josiah is such a good sleeper! Clive is opposite from Chloe in almost every way. I feel like such a new mom with him because everything that worked with Chloe doesn't with Clive! Guess we'll have to have one more so I can be experienced and knowledgeable for at least one baby. :)
very cute...look forward to your other posts.
He is so precious! I guess you didn't get a pickle after all. :)
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