Monday, June 11, 2007

More from our trip: The Wedding--Saturday

Of course the main reason we went to PA was to attend our friend Elijah's wedding. Elijah and I grew up in the same church, and he and Jim became good friends when he worked for Jim a couple summers ago. He married Sarah, a girl whom he met at college, and we were happy to be able to go to their wedding. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the Ephrata Cloister.
The reception was held in an indoor banquet hall which was thankfully air-conditioned. :) We enjoyed a delicious sit-down dinner of roast beef, chicken stuffed with broccoli and cheese, several side dishes, rolls, salad, etc. For dessert there was cake (of course!), ice cream, and cheesecake. Quite a feast!! The kids got rather antsy as it was a pretty long day, but they didn't melt down too badly. I thought it was so nice that they had a high chair for Julia and a booster seat for Sam!

Our family with the bride and groom (you can tell Sam isn't in a very cooperative mood by this point!)
Weddings really wear you out!!
After leaving the reception, we headed back to the B&B to change clothes and relax a bit. Then Jim came up with the idea of taking the kids to a playground we had seen about 15 minutes away, in Gap. So we spent a couple hours or so over there, letting the kiddos unwind. Sam, especially, had so much fun. There was a "country gala" going on at the park at the same time we were there--although we didn't take part in any of the festivities, we did enjoy the music of a bluegrass band!

You should have seen Sam playing with some little Amish boys on the playground. I didn't take any pictures since the Amish don't usually want their pictures taken, but it was cute to watch them playing together.

One of Sam's favorite things was this climbing wall to the slides.
Julia enjoyed the swings and the see-saw!
Finally it was time to go back to the B&B for the night. It had been quite the day, and we all slept really well that night!

Next installment: A restful Sunday


Rachel said...

Cute pictures Carrie. Poor Sam, he looks ready to make for the exit:). It looked like he had a blast at the park though. Julia looks so cute on the see-saw, what a cute little face. Has she been testing her newfound walking skills? What a full trip you had. It sounds as though you all took advantage of many fun activities and have many fond memories. I hope that you all have recovered from your fun experiences.

Carrie said...

Glad you liked the pics! I love the one of Julia on the see-saw too. And yes, she has been walking more and more--especially yesterday and today. She's getting really good at it!

Isn't it funny how you go on vacation to relax, then have to come home and recover from the vacation? :) We did have a wonderful time, but it is good to be back into the swing of normal life again, too--much less tiring!!