Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy First Day of Spring!!

I just noticed that today is the official first day of spring (according to the calendar, anyway!). Although we still have 6+ inches of snow on the ground, tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s. So soon, we will be in the midst of mud season. Oh joy! It's so much fun trying to keep the floors clean at this time of year. :)

Today I did a very thorough fridge/freezer cleaning. It had been quite a while since I'd gone through and washed all the shelves, and thrown out old leftovers. And I found stuff in the freezer, that I had forgotten I had! Some of it needed to go, but other stuff is just fine and now that I know it's there, we can eat it up. :) I had at least 2 partial bags of frozen raspberries, and 2 of strawberries, plus another unopened bag of raspberries. So to go with our supper of pancakes and bacon, I whipped up some berry smoothies--quick and easy, and oh so yummy! And a nice way to get a serving of fruit and dairy, too. :)

We went to Target yesterday and got Sam's 3 year pictures taken. This was our first time to try Target for pictures, and we were overall happy with the experience. Their studio is quite a lot nicer than Walmart's, but the prices are comparable. One of the things I liked MUCH more than Walmart, is that the photographer takes a bunch of pictures and then you get to pick which one you want for your package, after the whole thing is done, whereas at Walmart, you pick the pose you want for your package and are locked into that choice right at the beginning, and then they take a bunch more shots and try to get you to buy those, too. Thankfully, the photographer wasn't a pushy person at all, and although we would have loved to buy extra poses, we restrained ourselves. :) She actually took about 8-10 poses, and we had a hard time narrowing it down to one, but we finally did. From what I could tell, the quality of the pictures should be a little nicer than Walmart's, too. We will see. The package price was about $7.99 (with the coupon we had) and that included a free 8x10, as well. We had to buy an extra 10x13 for ourselves (we give both 8x10s to the grandparents) but that was only $9.99, which seemed pretty reasonable. So our total cost was around $18. I think we'll go back there to get Julia's one year pics done, too. I will probably wait till we get another coupon, whenever that will be . . . hopefully by early summer. They seem to put out coupons in the Sunday paper pretty frequently.

Well, I'd better get going--it's way past my bedtime again! Hope everyone's week is going well.


Anonymous said...

Happy Spring! I just emailed you, but just wanted to mention that you can print coupons off the Target portrait studio website anytime. And now I'm *really* going to tackle that laundry. :)

Unknown said...

We had very spring-link temperatures here yesterday and I'm happy to say all our snow is gone!

Thanks for the tip about target. I didn't even know they did portraits! We have had very bad experiences with wal-mart.

Carrie said...

Mindee, thanks for the tip about the website coupons--I will definitely be using them!

Alicia, our snow is still hanging around, but getting less and less every day. :) I don't know if all Targets do portraits, but you should definitely check to see if yours does. In the Target we went to, the portrait studio is tucked back in one of the corners, not up at the front of the store like it is in most Walmarts.

All in all, I think the photographer can really make or break the experience, though--even at a really nice studio, you sometimes get one that is not so good with kids, etc.