I had quite an interesting start to my day. After breakfast, I was nursing Julia in the living room while Sam played nearby with some stickers. A few minutes later, he came over to me with a little frown, saying "Mommy kiss it!" I was just about to ask him what I was supposed to kiss, when he threw up all over me, Julia, himself, the chair I was sitting in, and Julia's blanket. We even managed to get some on the rug amid the ensuing commotion. I had to figure out who to clean up first, change all of our clothes, take the slipcover off the chair cushion, clean up the rug . . . you get the idea. :) Needless to say, that was not what I expected to happen first thing in the morning! As far as I can tell, he isn't sick--I think he just ate too much for breakfast. Little glutton! :) He kept down all his lunch just fine, thankfully.
I am so thankful for healthy children! As I cleaned up the mess, I realized that the last time Sam threw up was probably when he was less than a year old. It's not something I've had to deal with often, which is just fine with me!
The rest of the day has gone much better, and I've been able to get a bit of cleaning done. Julia took a mega-nap this morning, and I have hopes that another one may be in the works. Sam is napping right now, giving me some nice quiet time. The baby book I ordered for Julia came today, but it's not quite what I was hoping for, so I haven't decided whether to keep it or not. It's not really a "baby book"--it has just a couple pages covering baby's first four years. It's more of a journal with pages all about the child's parents, grandparents, and then the mother's memories of the child's growing-up years, all the way to his or her marriage. It is a beautiful book for sure, so I may keep it anyway, but I will probably get this one this one for her actual baby book.
Throughout the past few days, I've been realizing again what a privilege it is to be able to be at home with my children, care for them, teach them, and share special moments with them. I am so enormously blessed!
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