Update: Well, after spending way too much time yesterday looking at blog templates, trying to figure out how to change things around with a sample blog that I set up for that purpose, I've come to the conclusion that I better leave my blog alone for now! I'm definitely NOT smart enough to customize my own template, LOL! And at this point, I don't want to spend any money to have someone else do it. So, we'll wait and see if Blogger comes out with any new ones and take it from there. :) I did find some really nice templates over at Homestead Blogger, but I want to stick with Blogger rather than switching over there (which would majorly confuse me and probably my blog readers too!). Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that I answered my own question! :) I'll have to come up with a new question of the week!
OK everyone, I need your input!! I've had this blog for about 1 1/2 years so far, and I am thinking about trying a new template. I haven't even looked at them yet, so it's just a thought at this point . . . I've just been so inspired by the lovely new looks of some of my favorite blogs, including Mrs. Wilt's, Mrs. B's & Mrs. R's, and Crystal's, to name a few.
Whether or not I change it will depend on a few things:
IF I can find a new design that I especially like,
IF I'm smart enough to be able to customoize it to suit my tastes,
IF I have the time.
Anyway, I was wondering what you all think! Would anyone be sad if I changed it? Does anyone have any design ideas that would make my blog more attractive or that you think would suit my personality, etc? I guess I would just like reader input! I'm going to look around on Blogger's other templates and see if I find anything I like, for starters. I also understand there is a new and improved version of Blogger in the works, which will feature some new template designs, as well. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Sometimes just having a header done can change the look of your blog without costing a lot of money.
Or you can just simply switch templates. Blogger has many to choose from.
Hi, Mrs. B! Thanks for the suggestions. I think for now I'm just going to stick with what I have, and see if the new version of Blogger has any I like, later on.
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