This year is the 30th anniversary of a fun historical attraction in our state called "Heritage New Hampshire." Unfortunately, this is also the last season that Heritage will be open. Even though our kiddos are a little young to appreciate this unique historic adventure, we decided to take a family trip there today. Jim had never been there before, and though I have been there a number of times in my childhood, it had been over 10 years since the last time. We were so happy that my parents and my brother's family could go, too. We all had a great time!
Heritage is a large, colonial-style building on the outside. On the inside it has been transformed into a time-traveling journey through 300+ years of NH history. Beginning with a "boat ride" from England to the new world, the traveler then continues through a NH forest, a settler's cabin, a small village complete with newspaper office, a fireworks display with a speech by George Washington, a covered bridge, a town meeting, the Amoskeag mills, a farm kitchen, and a grand hotel lobby, among other places. The journey ends with a simulated train ride which happens to drop you off right at the gift shop. :)
After spending a couple of hours there, we went out to lunch at Ninety Nine in North Conway. Then the kids, dads, and Grampa spent some time at a nice playground while Julia, Mom, Julie and I headed across the street to browse at a craft fair. We finished up at the train station (same place we went to see Thomas in July), and of course Sam had a blast watching the trains.
Mom and Dad headed for home after that, but the rest of us headed to the outlets for a little while. I scored some good deals at OshKosh and Carters (and Auntie Julie spoiled Julia a little more by getting her a few things, too). After a busy day, we were all pretty tired, so we said our goodbyes and started home. As we were approaching an intersection Jim said, "Want to stop at Dairy Queen?" Ummmmm, OK!! :) So we had an early "supper" at DQ, which consisted of a Blizzard for each of us--mine Peanut Butter Cup and his Butterfinger. Yummy! This was NOT a low calorie day, LOL! At least we don't have days like this frequently. :) After that, we really did go home, and now everyone but me is in bed, and I am soon to follow. A good time was had by all! Here is a little peek into our day, in pictures:
Jim admires a huge log in the Heritage forest

Julia and Sarah show off their hats made of newspaper, while Kenzie gets in on the fun

Hey Mom, I don't really think this hat does anything for me!

Sam and Grampa having fun in a hot air balloon

The four of us

Sam had a blast on the swings . . .

. . . and the slide!!

A big diesel engine at the Conway Scenic RR

When does Heritage close? I have always wanted to take the kids there. My husband and I stayed near there on our honeymoon and 2 years later we went back when our oldest was 10 month old. They opened the year I was born!
Joey, Heritage closes on Columbus Day (Oct. 9). They are only open on Sat. and Sun. now thru Columbus Day; hopefully it'll work out for you guys to go!! You can find out more at www.heritagenh.com. I bet your kids would love it!!
That is cool that you honeymooned in that area. Jim & I also honeymooned in NH, but we were in Pittsburg--way up north! We love it up there but we have only gotten to go back a couple times since then. Maybe next summer we can go again . . . :)
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