Monday, July 24, 2006

Potty training update!

Just wanted to let you all know that the potty training process is going so well!! Sam started showing signs of readiness last Monday, without much prompting from me. Over the past week, I think he has gone on the potty at least once a day, and today he is 5 out of 5 in successful tries!! :) Hip hip hooray!!! I am thrilled that he is getting the concept and is excited about his success (and rewards), rather than me having to fight to get him to even sit on the toilet. Thanks again to all of you who advised me not to stress out about it, and gave me good tips on the whole process, as well.

ETA: As of 8 pm, he has now gone on the potty 10 times out of 11! Whew! That's a lot! But I'm excited that he is now starting to ask to go, rather than me asking him all the time. :)


Tracy said...

Sorry it has been so long since I've been able to comment. I had intended to call you on our way to Canada but then our van broke down and life has been crazy every since. Congratulate Sam on his successful potty training. Kara began potty training last week (I was going to wait till this fall and then I realized I have no idea when our life will be "normal" again) so we just started. Yesterday she only had one accident, but today she had two. It is a blessing to wait till they show the signs of readiness (so much easier now than when I tried last fall and early spring).

Carrie said...

Tracy--I read on your blog about your adventures en route to Canada! I'm glad that God provided another van. I totally understand why your life has been crazy. :)

Yay for Kara on the potty training. It is def. easier to wait till they are ready! Sam is continuing to do well with it, praise the Lord!!

Zan--I'm sure George will "get it" in good time. At least he isn't screaming when you put him on the potty anymore! With Sam, it just all of the sudden seemed to click, like a light bulb went on in his head.

Christen said...

Zan-how old is George?will he pee on the potty? My son Myles is 3. He's got peeing down pat, but when it comes to having a poop, he'll only do it in a diaper.I've tried every reasonable idea I've read or heard about, but have had no success. If anyone of Carrie's commenters (sp?)have any suggestions of help for me, I'd REALLY apprecaite it! Carrie-thanks for letting me plead for help on your site! :)