Friday, June 30, 2006

Comment moderation? --Let me know what you think!

Some of you may have noticed that I have turned off the anonymous comments option. The reason for this was that I had gotten a few anonymous comments that I wasn't really comfortable with, so to try and cut down on those, I figured I would just turn off that feature. The thing I don't like about doing this is that now those of you who don't have a Blogger account can't comment. Now, it's very easy to create a Blogger account, and you don't have to create a blog of your own to do so. But there may be readers who would prefer not to have a Blogger account for whatever reason. So, here's my question: Should I:

a) Turn the anonymous feature back on, but also turn on comment moderation (meaning I have to check the comments before they will be posted on the blog)?


b) Leave the anonymous option turned off, and readers will have to create a Blogger account in order to comment?

Please let me know your thoughts! (I'll be turning the anonymous option back on for this post, along with comment moderation, so your comments won't show up right away.)



Anonymous said...

I think anonymous comments with comment moderation would be okay. I won't be getting a blogger account.

Carrie said...

Thanks, Joanne!! I really want you to be able to comment, so I will go with that. :)

Unknown said...

I think you should leave the anonymous feature off and make people sign up for a blogger account. It's really not hard - imagine what a pain it would be to have to approve each comment!

Carrie said...

Thanks for your input, too, Alicia! :) It really hasn't been much of a pain so far, though--I just get an email every time someone leaves a comment, and just have to click "publish" in the email and it immediately goes on the blog . . . so I will keep it that way for now. Since I don't get a huge amount of comments anyway, it shouldn't be a big deal. :) I may eventually even turn off comment moderation and leave the anon. option on and see if I get anymore weird comments. It really hadn't been an issue till lately.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have not replied to your e-mail. This has been a busy week. Thanks for going with Joanne's suggestion as my husband does not really want me to have a blog account. It was so nice to get an e-mail that was not an advertisement!!!!!!!!Love reading your blog and seeing the pictures.

Carrie said...

Joey--this has been a busy week for us, too!! Thanks for your comment--I think the comment moderation is going to work out well. I'm glad to make it so everyone can still comment because I love hearing from all of you!! :)