Saturday, June 24, 2006

Question of the Week: Potty Training Advice

Okay, all you experienced moms out there! I thought we would start with a fun one. :)
For the past months, we have occasionally tried to start potty training Sam, but I haven't put a whole lot of effort into it. I've recently decided (with the not-so-subtle urging of my husband :)) that we need to work a bit harder on it. It would be nice to have only one child in diapers!

I admit that I know very little about the process of potty training. I've read some stuff online, gotten a little advice from our pediatrician and other moms, etc. We even have big boy Thomas undies for Sam, graciously given to us by a friend. We have only tried putting a pair on him once, just to see what would happen . . . he promptly went pee-pee. Our ped's advice was to put undies on him for an hour a day or so, praise him and reward him if he keeps them dry, and then to start putting them on for longer periods as he gets the hang of it and goes on the potty more often. Seeing as they are Thomas undies, I think he will have a pretty good incentive. :) To see a few of the things I've read online, you can go here, here, here, and here.

I'm seriously considering getting a copy of Toilet Training in Less Than a Day off Ebay. I'm just wondering if I would really have the time in one day to put into it, since I have a baby to take care of, too. Anyway . . . my question is for seasoned moms who have successfully potty trained their kiddos! As Zan asked, "How do you even start?" Please share your tips and tricks for us moms who are new to the whole thing!! :)


Jenny said...

well I haven't ever done any potty training, but mom & dad used the book you referenced on both of us. Mom said it worked wonders for me, but for my brother, it took a little longer. (I guess boys take a little longer anyway) And he was so stubborn he didn't go to the bathroom for 24 hours!! She did use the principles in the book and said they really worked. (for what that is worth!)

Sarah E. said...

Potty training was what I dreaded most and it ended up being so easy for me. Not many messes at all (I may just be lucky though).

I got the potty chair out and tried to get him used to sitting on that. We'd read a book while he was on there and I knew that if he just happened to go I could really praise him and maybe he would understand. Well, that didn't happen. Then I purchased the insert that goes into a the toliet and he picked up quickly. I guess he thought he was going more like an adult.

Rewards were what got us through. It started off that he got a M&M just to sit on the stool. Then after that was mastered we moved to 2 M&M's if he went pee pee. I tried to tell him that he would get 4 M&M's if he did the other but I guess that wasn't motivation enough for him. He would wait until I put a diaper on for his nap and go #2. Then I bought some PEZ dispensers and that was the incentive that got him completely potty trained. I guess they are kinda like toys to them as well as being able to refill with a few pieces of candy.

I read Potty Training 123 by Gary Ezzo (I know some people aren't a fan of his). I was going to give my son a few months before I implented the book's techniques but I was fortunate and didn't have to, my son just picked it up.

Carrie said...

Jenny--thanks for the "real life testimonial" re: the book! :) I had to giggle about your brother "holding it" for 24 hours . . . and unfortunately I can see Sam being like that, as he is stubborn too.

Mindee--thanks for sharing your ideas and mistakes; I definitely needed the encouragement not to stress over it. :)

Sarah--I remembered that you had blogged about potty training, but I couldn't remember your blog address, so thanks for coming on and sharing your experiences again! I know I have your blog address somewhere in a comment on my preg. blog, but I was too lazy to go back and check . . . I'll have to do that, though, so I can visit yours again. :) How is the pregnancy going?

Mrs.T said...

That time in my life is just a blank... maybe I blocked it out? But while chatting with my sister-in-law tonight, I asked for her advice. She potty-trained 4, after all -- 3 of them boys. She said the one girl was definitely the easiest of the four. But here's her advice:

Don't make a big deal of it unless he does something, and then make a HUGE deal of that.

Don't get frustrated.

Watching Daddy may help.

Just a few thoughts!! Sounds like you're getting some great advice so far.

Carrie said...

Mrs. T--thanks for your input from your SIL!:) Please tell her thank you from me.

Zan--you're right; one thing I've noticed several of my commentors have said, is to wait till they show that they're ready. And that it does take longer with boys. So, we aren't stressing about it. :) But still trying a little at a time when we get the chance.

BTW, an early happy birthday to George!!! Will you have any kind of theme party for him? Thinking of themes makes me think of Thomas, and we are taking Sam to the Day out With Thomas on July 14. I'm sure it will be a highlight of his summer. :)

anne said...

Hi Carrie,
Well, of course my potty-training experience goes back a few years, but I actually did use the Potty Training in Less Than a Day, or at least some principles from it--we made a game of running to the bathroom from different rooms in the house, and rewards were M&Ms and "big candy" (Hershey's Kisses).

I waited til he was 3 til I even started trying [GASP--is that terrible?], but I wanted to be able to have an intelligent conversation with him about it, and it happened almost instantly, so that was right for us. No big deal, just another part of growing up.

Tracy said...

I've not pushed the potty training as much as I wanted to with Kara (just a day here and there without diapers) mostly because I knew we would be traveling so much this summer. But, now on her own she has started to tell me when she has to go potty. I guess my main advice is to go at your child's pace unless you have to have him potty trained by a specific age (for some church nursery's or day cares).

Carrie said...

Anne-- thanks for sharing your experiences! It's cool to hear from someone else who used principles from that book. And I don't think it was terrible to wait till he was 3; obviously that was when he was ready!! :)

Tracy--thanks also for your encouragement about waiting till the child seems ready. I've had so much advice along that line that it has helped me to not stress about it and just take our time with it. :) I think Sam is beginning to show signs of readiness now; he's been keeping his diaper rather dry overnight lately, and also doesn't have a fit when he sits on the potty (but he doesn't usually do anything, either). We'll get there, though. :)

So are you guys in Canada now or still on the road? Hopefully we can meet up with you on your way back through (if you are going this way, that is!)