Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Rainy days

It appears to be monsoon season here in NH . . . LOL!! We are having yet another day of rain, which can have a somewhat depressing effect on the spirits, but I'm actually feeling pretty chipper today. We had a lot of high water and some flooding around here on Sunday, yesterday it was gloomy all day but didn't rain that much, so the water went back down a bit, and today it's back to continual rain, so probably we will see flooding again. Fortunately we live on a hill, so although our brook is rushing, we don't personally have flooding in our yard or water in our garage. Areas farther south of us are getting hit a lot worse with the flooding. Sometimes it's hard to be thankful for the weather; however, one thing I do like about rain is the restful sound of it on the roof. It's really nice to go to sleep at night listening to it.

I posted a final entry on my pregnancy blog today with a new picture of Julia, so be sure to check it out! I'll still leave that blog open for a while at least, in case anyone wants to go back and re-read stuff, and also so I can take some time to print out all the entries.

I keep forgetting to mention that I didn't get picked for that blogging job I applied for a while back. Even though the extra income would have been nice, I was actually happy not to get the job. Especially now that I have a new baby, I don't think I would like the pressure to keep up with it. I enjoy keeping up with this blog in my spare time--it's a nice relaxing outlet for me, but I'm just as happy not to be doing it as a job. Thankfully the Lord knows what we can handle! :)

Alicia asked in a recent comment if I was Supermom . . . that made me laugh because 1)No, I'm definitely not, and 2)I've been taking some new vitamins lately, and one of the names they are sold under is "Supermom." The ones I bought are NOW Foods brand, and are called "Special Two." They are HUGE vitamins, but fortunately I'm able to get them down with plenty of juice. :) I got them here, because they were cheaper than buying the Supermom brand, which is available here. I had read a lot of positive things about these vitamins and wanted to try them for myself and see if they really did give me more energy. From what I can tell, I would say they do! I started taking them about a week before Julia was born and didn't notice any major difference right then. But I definitely have more energy post-partum than I did after having Sam. I'm sure this is due in part to having an easier birth and healing faster, but I think I can probably attribute a good deal of it to the new vitamins, as well. Of course, I'm still trying to get a lot of rest, and I haven't avoided the baby blues altogether . . . I've had a couple emotional meltdowns . . . but overall I would say that I've felt a lot more "myself" over the past couple weeks than I expected to!

Well, I probably could think of more things to jabber about, but I think I'd better get going for now. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Cherish the Home said...

I ordered the Supermom vitamines too, unfortunately I keep forgetting to take them.....do you think I'll get more energy just by having them sit on my counter?!? (o;

And you're right, they're **HUGE**!! I had a really tough time because I have a terrible gag reflex. I'll have to try the juice.