When Sam turned two, he moved up into the 2-year-old class at church. (Prior to that, he was in the "walker nursery.") At the time, I figured that the 2-year-old class was just another nursery, but it turns out that it is actually a class. They have junior church during the morning service, and Sunday School during that hour. They also do have some free time for playing, but quite a lot of it is structured. I had never been entirely sure what I thought about jr. church . . . I have taught in some before, where I had to wonder if the kids were grasping anything. However, now that Sam has been in his class for over 2 months, I am very thrilled with the idea of a Bible class that is on his level. I know there are a lot of people out there who prefer the idea of families all worshiping together in church, and that is fine. I think there would be many good things about that, as well. But I really see the merits of teaching little ones on a level they can better understand. Sam pops out with all kinds of things at home that just amaze me. Last week he came home saying a Bible verse: "Ought obey GOD!" ("We ought to obey God." Acts 5:29b) Anytime I asked him to say his verse all the rest of the week, he would spout it out. He will also ask to sing songs that they have sung in church, such as "Only a Boy Named David," "Jonah," and "The B-I-B-L-E." He loves going to church now, whereas he would always cry when we dropped him off in the nursery.
Anyway, a cute thing happened on Sunday when I was asking him about what he had learned in church. I saw on his papers that the lesson was about Aquila and Priscilla, so I asked, "What did Aquila and Priscilla make?" (Correct answer: tents.) Sam's answer: "PLAYDOUGH!!"
Guess his mind must have been wandering during the lesson. :)
Good post Carrie!
Thanks, Mrs. B! Glad you enjoyed it. :)
What a great story - write that one down for the future! I'm glad you have a great kids program at your church! What a blessing!!
Jenny, yes, I will have to write this one down in his baby book or something. I'm sure it's the first of many memorable sayings. :) And the kids' program is definitely a blessing!
Hope you are doing well--how is baby Muth doing? Are you down to 1-2 months left now? (I can't remember for sure your due date.)
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