Thursday, February 09, 2006

Plans for Valentine's Day

For any other married ladies out there, I was wondering how you plan to honor and spoil your husband for Valentine's Day? I was blog-surfing a bit a few days ago, and came across this contest on the Choosing Home blog. (Hat-tip to Crystal for letting her readers know about this!) I don't know if I'll come up with anything creative enough to participate (and I definitely won't be creative enough to win a prize--I know this, because I'm having a very hard time coming up with ideas that will be a really fun date for my hubby). If it was spring or summer, then I know he would love a shooting date in the backyard, or going to the swimming hole at the river together, or going for a hike . . . but winter is a hard time for me to think of ideas. If I wasn't pregnant, then a cross-country ski outing or going skating would be fun--but I'm too nervous about falling to want to do either right now. Anyway, here's what I have planned for V-day so far: Make him a special breakfast, serving it to him in bed if he likes. Or maybe take him out for breakfast (unless he takes me out to dinner on Monday night, which is a slim possibility--I have a midwife appt. that afternoon, and we're leaving Sam with my parents, so it's possible we may go out, but I'm not counting on it.) Tuck a love note in his lunch box. (I usually do this anyway, but this time I have a special love note that I made in our Sunday School opener a few weeks back.) If he happens to be home for lunch, I'll just prop it up against his glass at the table. Make a special dinner. I already have the main course planned: Cornish hens. I had asked him what he would like for V-day dinner and he hadn't decided; then I saw the Cornish hens on sale last week, so we both thought that would make a nice (and easy!) dinner. I will make twice-baked potatoes and salad to go with them, and probably rolls. Then I still need to come up with a special dessert. After that, hopefully an early bedtime for Sam, and then plenty of snuggle time--maybe I'll bring out the dessert then, with candles and sparkling apple-cranberry juice. It will be fun to have a special date! Oh, and I'll plan to dress up a bit, hair arranged nicely, jewelry, perfume, etc. I'll also get him a mushy card for him to open that evening.

Now, I would love to hear others' plans and ideas--maybe I'll even borrow some of them, LOL! :)


Unknown said...

Hey Carrie,

Your V-day plans sound lovely! And your meal sounds delicious. I've never personally made cornish hens - they're easy to make?

Wanted to let you know about a new recipe swapping blog that Katie Bruno and I are doing. Our theme for the month is decadent desserts - maybe you can find a good idea for your v-day dessert. If you have a recipe to contribute, email me: Either way check it out:

Happy Heart day,

Erin said...

Nothing too creative to share about V-day, I'm afraid! I'm going to try to make a nice dinner at home for Micah and I with his favorite dishes (Filet Mignon, Baked brie, a good green salad, chocolate sheet cake).

I thought of you guys when I heard about the blizzard up north. Have you been hammered? Hope everything's OK!!

Carrie said...

Alicia, I will definitely have try and find a recipe to contribute for the recipe swap blog. I checked it out--what a fun idea!! Thanks for inviting me to join in. And yes, cornish hens are very easy to make--just like chicken. I think they usually have cooking instructions on them, and you can season them however you want. I have sometimes used recipes and other times just thrown on whatever seasonings sounded good. They always come out yummy. :)

Erin, my hubby would also enjoy your hubby's favorite meal--particularly the filet mignon. :) I have never been able to cook it as well at home as what you can get in a restaurant, however! Let me know if you have a surefire way to get it to turn out well. Jim prefers it well-done (same with any steak, and burgers) so I think that makes it a little harder to get it to turn out well. The blizzard actually missed us, for the most part. We got about an inch or so of snow; that was all. An hour or 2 south of us got more like a foot, though! I didn't mind missing out on all that snow, although when we do get that much, it's an adventure and very beautiful! Thanks for asking. :)

Erin said...

Carrie, I've only made filet mignon a couple of times, so I'm no expert! But we both really liked how it came out last night. I had a recipe I wanted to try, but had to adjust it because I was missing a few ingredients.

Anyway, here's what I did:

Bought a package of two bacon-wrapped filet mignon steaks at Walmart for $5.

Heated 4-5 Tb (approx. guess) olive oil in a HEAVY-BOTTOMED pan on the stove. Added one clove crushed garlic, chives (although if you had them, fresh green onions would probably be better!), rosemary, black pepper and a little salt, and sauted for a couple minutes.

Added steaks to pan and cooked about 9 minutes on each side (for fairly well-done filets. If you wanted them more rare, just reduce cooking time a couple minutes).

Drizzled leftover pan drippings over steak and served. It came out very flavorful and tender!

We have to pan-fry because I don't own a grill, otherwise I would like to grill them! I will probably continue to experiment a little more trying to use less oil and more of some other type of liquid (like red wine or broth or some combination thereof:o) the next time I cook these. Hope this helps!

Erin said...

Oh...forgot to specify that I was cooking on a med-high heat:o)

Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing the recipe, Erin!! Sounds super yummy! I also enjoyed reading your blog today and noticed the recipe for the baked Brie--will have to try that sometime. I've never had Brie; is it fairly mild? It sounds good!

Erin said...

Brie does have a distinctive taste, but it's not really strong. It's delicious! Making brie with the fruit spread like in my recipe adds a sweetness to the mellowness of the cheese. Mmm, mmm!