On Monday night we discovered that we had accidentally deleted all the pictures stored on our computer--I say accidentally, because although we deleted them intentionally off of our iPhoto program, we thought we had them safely stored on our external hard drive. Sadly, being the non-computer-experts that we are, we were mistaken, and WHOOSH--they had vanished off the computer!! We hadn't yet gotten around to putting them on a CD (our own fault--procrastination) and now over 1000 photos from the past 18 months (mostly of Sam) were gone. We were very sad, to say the least! But fortunately, we do have relatives whom we had emailed many of the cutest pictures to, who would be willing to make a CD of them for us, so at least we wouldn't lose the entire record of Sam's past year and a half.
Then we found out through Jim's brother (who is a computer expert!) that there was a program we could download that would probably be able to retrieve most of our pictures. This program costs around $100, but we decided we had to try; that it would be worth that to get our pictures back. We downloaded it--it scanned our deleted files--it found TONS of stuff, but so far we haven't yet found our pictures. We are still hoping they are hiding somewhere among the retrieved files, but after searching through stuff most of the day on Weds., Jim decided he needed to take a break from it and go back to it later. So that was our first big expense of the week.
The next thing that happened (yesterday) was that we received a credit card bill for our Amazon credit card, which we thought we hadn't even activated yet! We had never even opened the bill we got from them last month (because I in my blonde-ness thought it was just a credit card ad) and here we were socked with a $15 late fee, bringing our bill to something around $99. WHAT? For a card we hadn't activated?? After a little checking, we discovered that we had used the credit card for our last Amazon purchase, without realizing it--apparently it is all too easy to activate! It was an order Jim had placed, so I'm just guessing at what happened (because he doesn't remember), but I'm assuming they have one of those drop-down boxes for you to choose your payment method, and apparently the Amazon Visa was probably the one already selected. Not looking closely at that (since we have a Visa debit card too), one would probably just assume that it was our debit info. there and place the order. Oops. Not that I am blaming my dear hubby!! I have no doubt the same thing would have happened to me if I was placing the order. But that was our second big expense of the week. Of course, if we had been on the ball, we would have remembered to record the charge in our checkbook, and then would have had some question marks going up when it didn't show up in our bank records . . . but as is all too often the case with us, we forgot to record it at all. Thus, the surprise of a bit more money dropping through the holes in our pockets . . . :(
Oh well, some weeks are just like that.
On the upside of things, Jim is hard at work making a bunk bed for Sam, and it's turning out beautifully! And speaking of our little guy, he is a continual joy to us (as well as a continual challenge!) Here is a picture of him sliding down our old mattress after we replaced it with the memory foam one. This was one of his greatest delights until yesterday, when the mattress finally disappeared from our bedroom. Mommy was happy to see it go--but I think Sam and his daddy will miss the slide!! Anyway, I love the expression of sheer delight on his face here:

Bummer about the pictures:o(
Why do things like this always come up right when you're trying to save money? It always happens to us too...we were just talking the other day about no matter how much we make, there's never any extra! SOMETHING always comes up! Grrr.
Erin, yes, I hear you!! Something always does seem to come up. Which is why I need to get better about saving and being strict with our budget!!! I hate just "making ends meet." However, God has always been faithful and there is always just enough. I think of George Mueller . . . he never knew great wealth, either, but literally trusted God for his daily bread. I know He will provide for us the same way. However, I do want to be a better steward of what He gives us; I feel that I lack in that respect all too often!
Zan, thanks for the compliment. :) I would love to see pics of your little guy sometime--I bet he is a bunch of fun. I can't wait to see Sam enjoy the real slides at the playground this summer! Last year he was too timid to go down any but the smallest ones. This year he will probably be unstoppable. :)
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