This picture cracks me up! He loves his bubble bath, but apparently doesn't love wearing a hat made of bubbles. :)

I've been working on the potty training thing with Sam a little harder this week. Today we haven't tried it at all, due to the fact that the morning was taken up with errands, etc., but hopefully this afternoon and evening we can work on it a little. I'm trying to take it very gradually and keep it fun for him. I'm hoping he'll catch on to the concept before too long, though. It would be very nice to get him trained by the time the new baby comes along, but that may be a long shot . . . however, it doesn't hurt to try.
Playing with Thomas

We cut back on his movie watching time this week--I don't mind his Thomas movie (the only one he will sit and watch all the way through) at all, although it can get a little old after a while, but he was asking to watch it once or twice a day, and he was also getting to be pretty ornery last week, so we wondered if the idle time was somehow related to his attitude. That may be far-fetched, but it won't hurt him to watch it less, anyway. So since last Friday, the only time he's watched it was yesterday, when we had some friends over to play. They're into Thomas, too, so they enjoyed it. But none of them sat and watched it continuously . . . they would go play, come back and watch for a while, etc. So it worked out well. Sam's attitude actually has been better this week, and he's been wanting to read and play more (with . . . guess who . . . Thomas, of course)! :) We went to a toy store last weekend that sells a ton of Thomas stuff, and they have a whole nice train table with a bunch of the track, accessories and engines on it. He had a blast playing with that! Too bad it's not closer to us; I would take him there more often!
I picked up a book about the new Narnia movie today in Rite Aid, just to check it out. Of course you can't tell for sure from just looking at a picture book, but it looks like the movie will follow the book quite closely. I hope so! The children also looked just right (in my opinion, anyway) for the characters in the books, which was one problem I had with the older movie version of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." The Lucy in that version, in particular, just didn't look right! It looks like this version will be a lot better as far as things looking realistic, particularly Aslan and some of the other unusual characters. I can't wait to see it! Who knows when we will get to; likely not till it comes out on video, but hopefully that won't be too long. I would be pleasantly surprised and delighted if a movie coming from Disney actually stuck closely to the original book. I don't know for sure when this opens in theaters, but I'll be keeping my eye on PluggedIn Online for a review of it.
Last night I made a batch of brownies and accidentally left out all the vanilla! Fortunately they are still edible, although not as good as they should be . . . :( Can I blame it on having good ol' mother brain? :)
I found a copycat recipe online for Pizza Hut pan pizza, so I tried it out on Sunday. Do you know the way they make that fabulous crust is by putting a ton of oil in the bottom of the pan, then cooking the pizza at about 500 degrees, so it "fries" itself in the oil? No wonder it's so good! I don't think I'll make a habit of it . . . but for once in a while, it's a fun treat. We hardly ever actually go to Pizza Hut anymore, since Jim found out they're owned by Pepsi, which is in favor of gun control! I don't even want to know how many other companies are owned by Pepsi . . . :) Ahhh, politics are everywhere. My biggest problem with making this pizza was that I made it in a 13 x 9" pan, rather than a deep dish 14" pizza pan, as I don't currently own one. (I've found on online that I'm hoping to get, though!) Anyway, I think there was too much dough for the pan, because the crust was really thick, and wasn't cooked in the middle, although it was fine on the top and bottom. We just microwaved the pieces to cook the middle crust, and it was fine, but I think with the right size pan, it would work better.
Walkin' in a winter wonderland . . .

I think winter has finally arrived here . . . not much snow yet, but it's COLD outside and windy. I would like to be taking a walk every day, but the past 2 days have been too cold to venture out, especially for Sam. Even when I have him bundled up really warm, I don't have anything to cover his whole face, so that gets too cold.
Our family pictures should be ready to pick up at Walmart tomorrow. Not sure yet if we'll make a trip down to get them then, or wait till Sunday. (We have them done at a different Walmart than the one near here, because this one doesn't have a photo studio.) Now I just need to get our Christmas letter written, buy some Christmas cards, and get the photos ready to go in them!
Well, I better finish this up for now, even though I could chatter on all day! :) It has been nice to catch up a bit here. Hopefully I'll get a chance to post more soon, as I still have all kinds of things rattling around in my brain to write about. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Brrr! It's been cold here too...for Texas anyway. We might have a good freeze tonight. But snow is pretty rare in this area of Texas!
Sam is the CUTEST. I'm sure you hear that all the time!
Thanks, Erin . . . we think he's the cutest, too! But I imagine we are somewhat prejudiced. :) We do get a lot of comments on him, though; sometimes it gets a little embarrassing. It helps that he is most always cheerful and outgoing when we're out in public. People notice kids in a positive way when they're being good and smiling, but when your child is fussy, you get other interesting comments and looks. :)
Not only is it cold here, but we're now getting a nor'easter . . . fun fun! A good day to stay inside and keep warm. :)
Hi Carrie, Sounds like you have been busy. How old is Sam? He is so cute. My son turned 2 the end of June. I can say potty training was the thing I had dreaded and it has been pretty easy for us. I didn't push it, he picked up on it so quick. I mean I was going to give it a couple months and then really push it but didn't have to. Here is my "Mission Accomplished" story about potty training. Not sure if any would be of help.
The one bad thing about newly potty trained kids is that I think we visit a bathroom everywhere we go! Good Luck.
Oh yes, and my son really likes Thomas now. I guess boys will be boys :)
The outside picture is adorable! Time to get the sled out for walks. My 4 "snow plows" have been shoveling the driveway. The first 2 have finished their shift and had hot chocolate and a treat. The second two finished math and a couple other classes before heading out. Gracie stands in the window saying "sssnow" - brothers taught her to say it - before it was "no".
Let us all know how potty training goes - we are working on it also.
If that's the same brownie recipe I make, I left the vanilla out the first time I made it! I think the way the recipe is written on the page makes it easy to forget the vanilla, as well as the fact that they only mention adding it at the very end of a section and if you're reading through the instructions quickly, it's easy to miss!
Isaac was very impressed to see Sam playing with Thomas. He likes the bubbles too!
At the moment, Eli is stuck on the Thomas movie too. He loves watching "Die-l 10"!
Wow, everyone must be in a commenting mood today! :) When I checked this morning there was just Erin's comment, and I come back later to find 6 more. Cool!
Sarah: Sam just turned 21 months. Thanks for sharing your potty training experiences on your blog! I enjoyed reading it. The idea of rewards for going is helpful . . . I have a feeling he would catch on faster if I try that! That's neat that your son likes Thomas too. I would rather have my kids into something more classic like that than Bob the Builder or Blues Clues, etc. any day! Sam is really into tractors, as well--anything that has wheels, actually. :)
Anonymous: I really enjoyed the mental picture of your 4 little snow plows out there shoveling. :) I hope we can get together sometime; I would love to meet your kids! They sound wonderful. Sam also says "no" for "snow." We can't get him to say an "s" sound at the beginning of a word yet, though he can do it at the end! So for his own name, he says "Am" instead of "Sam." :)
Joanne: Yes, it's the same recipe you make, from the big book! I adapt it a little to include some semi-sweet chocolate and less sugar, as we found we like it better that way. My own version of the "best" brownies, I guess! But I do like it better with vanilla, also, hee hee! :D Glad Isaac liked the picture of Sam with Thomas. Hopefully they will have fun playing trains together in a few weeks!
Mindee: Thanks for the heads up on the Narnia movie! I saw it is playing at the theater in town as of today. I would love to get the Focus radio theater series sometime, too--would be good for trips in the car when the kids are older! I would also love to get their Anne of GG and At Home in Mitford CDs someday. From looking at the Narnia movie picture book, some parts definitely look scary. The White Witch especially--made me think of Galadriel (from Lord of the Rings) turned evil! How did your family picture taking go? Ours turned out nice!! Hopefully I can post one on here eventually.
Stay warm and cozy, everyone! Thanks for all your comments. :)
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