Jim returned safely from his errands and got to work down in his shop. In his travels, he had stopped and picked up our family pictures at Walmart, buying a sled for Sam at the same time. So of course, a little later on he and Sam had to try it out. I went outside with them and took pictures of the fun. This was Sam's first time to go sledding, or "sliding," as we say in NH. He definitely loved it! He was bundled up in his snowsuit and looked like a little marshmallow. Now the next thing we need to invest in for him is some snow boots. All he has right now are his work boots, which don't do too good of a job at keeping the snow out. :) He never complained about being cold, though, and I think he would have stayed out a lot longer than Jim or me, if he had the option! They took a bunch of runs down the driveway. Probably around the 10th time or so, they ran over a hump of frozen dirt and the sled cracked. :( Jim found they could still use it if they turned it around so it was facing backwards, so they went down a few more times. He wants to see if we can return it since it broke the first time we used it, but I'm not sure if they'll go for that . . . however, we'll see. He purposely got a Made in USA sled, hoping it would be better quality, but nope. He says they don't make sleds like they used to! Here's a pic of my 2 cute sledders:

A while after we came inside, Jim decided it would be a good time to go get a Christmas tree. By this time the snow had stopped, and the roads were a bit clearer. We all piled into the truck and away we went. Last year we got a huge tree, probably 10-12 feet, since we have a cathedral ceiling in our living room. We weren't living here yet, but it was fun to have a tree here to enjoy, just the same. This year it is so much MORE fun! We didn't get as tall of a one this year, since now that we have furniture to work around, we couldn't put it in the same place as last year. We opted for one that's about 9 ft. tall, and put it in front of the middle window in our living room. When we got it home, we realized it's not as full as we would have liked; still, it's very pretty. We splurged and picked up chicken pesto paninis at the grocery store on the way home, as well as some Cape Cod jalapeno & cheddar chips. It made for a yummy, quick supper, which maybe should become a tradition for "getting the tree night" from now on! :) After supper, Jim got out the decorations and we set to work on the tree. Sam helped some and played some; he was pretty good about not getting into too much that he shouldn't. We let him "help" by putting some of the non-breakable ornaments on the tree. He apparently decided one in particular is "his" to move around and take on and off as he sees fit . . . we're trying to break him of that notion, but it hasn't worked yet. :) We were able to wire the top of the tree to a nail in the wall, so at least he won't be able to possibly tip it over! We still have some finishing to do with the decorations, but it's mostly done. It's so nice to have it looking and smelling Christmasy in here! :)

This morning Sam and I headed over to my mom's to make Christmas cookies with her, my sister-in-law and her two girls. Sam, Sarah and Mackenzie had a wonderful time helping with the cookies, as you can tell from the pictures! We may have to make this an annual tradition. It was fun (although a little crazy with 3 children age 4 and under!) and we all came home with a bunch of cookies to enjoy. Sam was exhausted by the time we left Mom's, and fell asleep on the way home. He's currently still asleep on our bed, 3 hours later! Hope he sleeps tonight! It's been nice for me to have a few hours to myself, to catch up on housework and catch my breath. :)

So that was our busy weekend, so far. Hope everyone else has had as fun of a weekend as we have!
1 comment:
Zan, I'm sorry you're lonely this week! I always hate it when my hubby has to be away overnight. Fortunately, that hasn't happened often in our marriage--probably I can count the number of times on one hand.
Hope you get to get your tree this weekend, and enjoy decorating it! I'm sure George will have fun. :) Sam likes to rearrange all the ornaments that he can reach! I don't stress about it too much since they're not breakable ones and I know he can't tip the tree over.
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