Thursday, September 01, 2005

Our TV Free Month

Well, we officially survived a whole month with no videos/DVDs! :) We really didn't miss watching TV at all. Especially once we got into the busyness of moving--then the whole month just flew by. It was really refreshing in many ways to eliminate that particular form of entertainment from our lives for a while. No zoning out (at least not in front of the TV--I admit that we do zone out in front of the computer from time to time, though), no wasting time watching when we could be up doing something profitable . . . Anyway, it was good for us. We also came to the conclusion that we will be a lot stricter with our TV time from now on, as well. Maybe one movie a week . . . or less.

We were both very convicted by a couple messages at church this month, regarding entertainment. One thing that I thought was really interesting was when the pastor defined the differences between amusement and recreation. He pointed out that amusement is something that is being done for you (in other words, brainless and lacking activity on your part, such as TV watching), while recreation involves an action on your part, such as playing sports, etc. I hadn't ever really thought about it that way before. If anyone is interested, you can listen to those messages here. The sermons are the ones on 7/24/05 PM and 8/21/05 PM.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm going overboard and saying it's wrong to ever watch TV. That's not what I intend at all--I'm just sharing how God has spoken to our hearts regarding how we spend our time; this doesn't mean that everyone should do the same as we are. Anyway, I'm happy to say that we achieved our goal; it was fun to prove to ourselves that we could! :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Congratulations on your TV Free Month! Our family has done that in the past, and I must say, when we don't have the TV, I don't miss it at all. It's very freeing, eh?