Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday Five: Random June Edition

Phew!  It's been quite the couple of months since I blogged last.  Lots of stuff has happened, some hard, some good...but here are five random things to help me get my feet wet in the bloggy world again. 😉

1. It's mid-June and it still doesn't quite feel like summer yet.  We've had tons of rain and cooler days; I can count on one hand the number of humid days we've had so far.  Probably July and August will make up for June's unseasonal weather, though.  (I'm not complaining!  I actually kind of like still being able to wear a sweatshirt in the mornings and evenings.)

2.  Tomorrow we're going to the wedding of one of our friends' daughters...whom we've known since she was a baby.  She's been in our SS class for years.  Nothing like watching one of these "kids" getting married to make you feel old!

3.  Jim and Sam just finished up (mostly) a big garage they have been building.  It needed to be done before the wedding (it's for the family of the bride) and they barely squeaked it in, but it got done!  Considering Jim's health scare back in April + the rain, rain, and more rain, we're super thankful they had the time to finish.

4.  I didn't write about Jim's health issues here because we had a lot going on before and after, but he ended up in the hospital for 3 days with an unknown issue of some kind.  Many things were tested and ruled out, and we still don't have answers, but I've realized anew just how grateful I am for him (and how much I tend to take our health for granted).  Every night I get to snuggle up beside him is a blessing, and a reminder to be thankful.  Over the past weeks, three people I follow or had known of online have died of cancer, or accidents, leaving their families without a husband/wife/father/mother.  Life is a gift and none of us knows how long we's so comforting to know that our times are in God's hands, and He numbers our days.

5.  I did two things this week that I'd never done before...cut my own hair (just a trim) and snipped/pulled out stitches for my husband.  I think this means I can add hairdresser and surgical assistant to my resume, right? 😀

1 comment:

Mrs.T said...

Yay Carrie! So happy to see a blog post from you! An answer to my daily prayers!

This was fun reading. Great photo of you and Jim, and the garage is looking good!