Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving (a little late) and more chatter

I haven't had time to post much lately, but I did want to wish everyone a happy (belated :)) Thanksgiving!  I hope you all had a lovely day of counting your blessings . . . and lots of good food and fellowship, of course!

We had our usual nice quiet family dinner here at home.  Later, my parents joined us for dessert and a few games of Uno.  I had done most of the food prep the day before, so Thanksgiving day was pretty relaxed and stress-free.  We all ate way too much and enjoyed every bite!  :)

Life has slowed down a bit in the past few weeks, since we have been sick (and some of us are still fighting colds), but we have managed to keep busy with school and other stuff!  One of my big projects lately has been doing some deep cleaning in the house.  Last weekend I scrubbed the kitchen floor and washed all the living room windows and our French doors.  We also cleaned behind both couches and that was an interesting job . . . it's amazing how much stuff gets buried under there!  Now I know where so many of the lost socks end up . . . :)  And today I tackled some of our bedroom.  Lots of dust bunnies!

Lately I've been hit with the sudden urge to sew something.  I made a simple little tablecloth for Thanksgiving, but just today I pulled out a few patterns and got thinking about some stuff I'd like to make this winter.  My problem is that I have way too many things I'd like to make, and the fabric for some of them (like a corduroy skirt) can be rather pricey.  Also, we have to travel 30 minutes to get to a Joann Fabrics, and I can only use one coupon per order . . . But I think we need to plan a trip there soon so I can start something.

I've also been getting more Christmas planning done, and a few gifts ordered or purchased.  I have to say that I'm really glad Thanksgiving and Christmas are in November and December.  Those can be kinda dreary months around here, but the holidays really perk things up and make these months special!  Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be doing a 4 week Advent Bible study for my personal quiet time.  I'm really excited about that, and looking forward to focusing my heart on Jesus during this time of year when we remember His birth.  You can read more about the study here, and download it for free if you subscribe to the Good Morning Girls blog. :)

Being sick gave me a lot of reading time, so I finished 3 more blogger review books.  Be prepared for a few review posts coming up this week!  Feel free to skip 'em if reading book reviews isn't your thing. :)  I think I'm all caught up on books to review now, and I don't have any more on the way at the moment.

Well, I suppose I should quit chattering for now and get to bed.  :)  Thanks for sticking around and reading here, even though I don't post as often as I'd like!


Nikki said...

Hi Carrie,
So glad that you posted. I was hoping you would post about your Thanksgiving. I need to do some deep cleaning around here too. I am sure we have dust bunnies but unfortunately they are being choked out by the junk surrounding them. I really need to tackle them soon.

1HappyWife said...

Looks like a nice Thanksgiving! I love eating pie and playing games with the family :).
Your cleaning sounds like it is going really well. Hoping this week to get some done here too ... the dust bunnies are taking over :(.
Glad to hear you are all feeling better.