I love Saturdays! Especially when they're nice, quiet Saturdays at home. Today was warm for this time of year (60-ish) and we spent some time outside, hanging out with the ducks and snapping some pictures. Jim built a new shelf for the kids' room and listed some stuff on Craigslist. (I love Craigslist . . . we have had some great selling experiences lately!!)
I think we're done buying diapers for the foreseeable future (can you believe it?)!!! Josiah has been doing wonderfully with potty training and I am still in shock that he was so easy to train. It only took him about a week before he was coming to me and telling me when he needed to go. He does still wet his diaper a little bit when he sleeps, but other than that he is doing so great. Such a big boy! (Or a "big GUY," as he recently informed me. :))
I now have doors on ALL of my kitchen cabinets . . . pictures to come soon! It is THRILLING, believe me!! And amazing to have a kitchen that looks almost finished, after living here for 5+ years! We aren't going to make our goal of having the house completely done by Thanksgiving, but maybe by next Thanksgiving. :) We are definitely a LOT closer than we were at this time last year!
I am trying to lose weight (again). I might start up my weekly weigh-in posts again, if I actually start making some progress. :) I really stalled over the summer and fall, but thankfully I didn't gain back too much of what I lost before. I'm setting some new goals and hoping to make some progress in spite of the holidays coming up.
Speaking of holidays, isn't it crazy that Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away?!! And after that, only a month till Christmas . . . oh me, oh my. Jim's parents will be visiting us soon, probably early December, so we are excitedly getting ready for that . . . and thinking about some fun indoor things we can do. :)
Homeschooling has been going well. I'm planning to write a separate post about that, so stay tuned. :) We just finished our 9th week!
And I'd better get going now and do some baking for my hungry gang, who have had to survive without goodies for about a week! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!!
We had a similarly lazy at home Saturday and it was SO nice! I hear ya on the nearness of Thanksgiving. I'm trying my hardest not to start freaking out about Christmas being around the corner! Congrats on the house progress -- you'll have to share some pictures when life slows down for you. And best wishes to you on the weight loss! I'd like to shed some baby weight too so feel free to share any do-able practical tips since you totally get the busy life as a mom of 3 routine!
I totally agree on loving the lazy Saturdays! Mike has had to work almost every Saturday for the last two months & there is no end in sight. While we praise God for the OT income, it is beginning to wear on us both just a little bit.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is so close, either! I'm totally trying not to freak out about what I still need to complete for Christmas presents. I am slower than a snail this year!
Congrats on the house progress! Can't wait to see your kitchen cabinets.
And I'm also with you on the reassessing my habits & trying to get back on the healthy eating/exercise routine. It's so easy to get distracted from be bad. I hope I have enough time to get in the groove before the holidays hit or LOOK OUT! :-)
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