Yes! Anonymous was right--today Jim installed new cabinet doors on our upper cabinets!!! He's been working on them for the past week or so, and now they're done. I. Love. Them. Now I can't wait till he has time to get the lower cabinets done!!!

(By the way, my kitchen counters are *rarely* this clean. :) But maybe having a more finished looking kitchen will inspire me to keep them this way!!

I really like the handles we picked out--they go really nicely with our moose/tree theme! :)

And now . . . I'd better go make some supper and some cookies in my almost-brand-new kitchen!
Wow Carrie...those look great.Someday...I am hoping to get a new look in our kitchen.:)You are inspiring me to go clean my counters.Nikki
They do look great!I am not sure why I keep forgeting to add my name :)Now I must make dinner too. -Joey
Wow!!!! These are just beautiful! Jim did a great job. They are worth the wait!
Just beautiful...I know you will enjoy them. Love your Moose and Tree theme as well.
Carrie, those cabinets are beautiful! Isn't is such a blessing to have a woodworking husband? I love to help Mike. Usually I just man the shop vac & try to minimize the mess b/c power tools make me nervous *grin* I love the moose theme. I actually just love mooses (or is it just moose for the plural?). Anyway, super cute & so happy for the progress - feels good doesn't it?
Wow! Those are beautiful! I'll bet you are super tickled! :)
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