Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feeling a little saucy :)

Apple-saucy, that is!! My friend Linda graciously invited me over to her home last week for a full day of applesauce making. They make LOTS of sauce each year for their family of 8, and this year they had picked way more apples than they needed . . . so they generously offered to share the bounty with us! Linda worked with me all day long, which was sooo sweet, since their sauce was already done, and she'd already put in almost a full week of sauce making! We chopped, boiled, and strained the apples (her handy-dandy mixer attachment makes the process SO much simpler, since you don't have to core or peel the apples beforehand). The kids played and had a blast together, and Josiah took a nap in the backpack for a while.Then once the sauce was all made and heated, and the jars were ready, we canned it. Linda's husband Dan helped with that part since he was done with work by that time . . . and it was a huge help to have 3 people working on it at once. It was a very busy day, and we were tired by the end of it, but it was so worth it to end up with 78 QUARTS (yes, you read that right!) of lovely, homemade, pink applesauce. The kids love it (well, so do we!!) and are gobbling it up daily. I'm not sure now if it will last us a whole year or not! Hopefully it'll be close, anyway. :) Mmmmm . . . yummy!!


Mrs. Doug said...

Wow!!!! That's a lot of applesauce.

I will be so happy when we have the space to get canning again. It will be soon, Lord willing.

God Bless,
Mrs. D

Mrs.T said...

Sam sure does make that applesauce look good! What an endeavor. It will taste wonderful in the dead of winter, though. Even better than it does now!

Kara said...

I love it!
I can't even gag down store applesauce. I don't even think they cook the apples. Blech.