Friday, February 20, 2009

Lazy Friday

I had big plans for all the cleaning and organizing I was going to accomplish today, but I have two sickies to care for, so the majority of my plans will probably go out the window. :) Julia started coughing a bit yesterday, and woke up around 4 am today coughing a lot, and crying. She had a hard time going back to sleep even after rubbing Vicks on her chest and giving her a drink, so after getting up with her three times, I gave up and lay down on the couch with her, where we both slept fitfully till about 6 am, when Josiah woke up. Jim traded places with me, going into the living room with Julia while I took Josiah into our bed and got a little more sleep. Jim isn't feeling very good either; he's got a sore throat. So we are all going to take it easy today and hope this bug passes quickly. I'm making a big pot of chicken soup and some garlic lemonade (sounds weird, I know, but it's supposed to be a good immunity-booster!), and the kids are getting to watch more movies than usual.

I just saw this interesting birth survey linked to on one of the blogs I read, and spent a half hour or so filling it out. It's a national survey and it doesn't matter what kind of birth you've had (hospital/home/natural/c-section/etc.); they're just looking for lots of people to fill it out. So if you have some extra time and can remember what your last birth was like, check it out! :)

Hopefully I'll have time to blog a bit more later--I'm planning to put up my homemade life post for this week, and maybe another post as well. But for now, I'd better get my sluggish self away from the computer, and try to get a few things accomplished. Like folding laundry and washing diapers. Hope you're all having a good day so far!


Mary Ann said...

So sorry to hear about the sickness in your home! I will pray that it passes quickly & nobody else gets it. Whenever I'm stuck at home sick I try to remind myself to enjoy the slow pace. It's such a contrast to the way I normally handle my schedule. But after a couple of days, I'm ready to get back out in the world! I hope some sunshine comes your way this weekend!

Mrs.T said...

That is too bad!! Sure hope you all feel better soon. We will be praying for you!

Samara said...

Sorry to hear about your family's illness and the recent loss of Jim's Papa. I've prayed for his grandma who must be grieving intensely at this time.
Our little guy had a cough cold last week, too- his first. He is still coughing a bit from irritated lungs, but is OK now. He watched quite a bit of Thomas & Bob the Builder while he was feeling down, and now he asks for both every day :0/ Fortunately, playing at the park or gardening is a much more tempting option.
I look forward to reading more of your handmade posts- I'm working on more felt food and some animal bean bags, so in time I hope to post on those! Have a blessed weekend,